Archive | July 2019

A Pastor’s Care

Good Pastors are those pastors who have accepted the call of God on their life. Pastors are the appointed of God who share God’s heart for the flock (Jer. 3:15, I Tim 3:1-7 ), the ministry and the Commission to reach the world (Matt. 28:18-20). They have been called to oversee the flock of God to :

-Feed them – John 21:17, the have been charged by the Lord in their calling to feed the flock of God with the word of God. Teaching and preaching to the flock is of the utmost for it is in the word of God that we will grow in our faith. It is why we should be in attendance at our respective local assemblies as often as we can.

– Account for them – Heb. 13:17, being in attendance in our respective local assemblies is our role. Pastors cannot feed us if we are not assembled at the table. Taking account is the pastor’s role for the scriptures have concluded that he “must” give an answer to the Lord on the state of the flock. If they cannot give a good account, it is not profitable on our behalf and God will deal with us as he should. The Pastors must…

– Take the oversight for them – Acts 20:28-30, God set up and ordain Pastors to oversee the local assemblies. The church of Jesus is collection of Believers worldwide but it is in the local churches in which God chose to work his “Commission”. He gave the local churches the responsibilities of preach the gospel to the world, baptize the converts and disciple those who follow in faithful obedience the things of Christ. The oversight of all this great work is on the individual pastors of the local assemblies, sharing the same goal in mind (Matt. 28:18-20)

– Be Examples to them – 1 Tim. 4:11-13, Pastor are the examples the Lord has chosen to lead his flock. The lead through their example serving God people. The share their time away from their families, to be with our families. Pastors give of their time in preparing and studying God’s word, standing in God’s stead to declare God’s word to God’s people. They are the examples God has divinely appointed for us to pray for, encourage and cheer for in the work they do.