Seeing things properly is of the utmost importance for every believer. Roughly 35 percent of the adult population do not wear corrective glasses, contact lens or have had vision corrective surgery. Only a few people compared to the majority see things correctly or without visual aides.

In our faith as Christians we too need the help of the Holy Spirit to see things properly. More times than we can admit, we have allowed past circumstances or conditions to shape our perspective. We will then in turn move, behave and live improperly based upon those past experiences. For example, some of us have been abused, disrespected or even bullied and we see those individuals as monsters. It may not be the way we want to see them, but our vision is clouded by the pains they inflicted on us. God can only see everything clearly because he is omniscient, able to know everything about everything. God sees a person. A person in desperate need of deliverance and forgiveness. Improper vision can be the root of bitterness than can last for years and prevent us maturing spiritually.
Ask the Lord to give you spiritual clarity and free you from whatever is causing you to see and discern improperly.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10