Archive | July 2020

Modified Morning Worship Service

Below are the images to support the modified church service inside the building:

Welcome to New Berean Baptist Church morning worship. To the glory of God, we greet you Saints, family, and friends. This message is to thank you for your patience and inform you of our plans to resume our Prayer, Praise and Preaching services inside the worship facility.
We are excited to announce the plans to reopen our worship facility and reestablish a modified worship experience beginning July 26, 2020. Our worship is not to be any different, but the experience of that worship will be modified. Due to the current health concerns in our communities and how it has affected our local assembly, we have had to make some changes and adjustments that would allow us to come together and fellowship. Below, we have listed some objectives and have taken some measures that allowed us to conclude holding our Sunday services inside instead of outside in the parking lot. We are here to:

  • Live Out the Missional Calling, God has mandated the Believers to follow in faithful obedience his teachings and in turn, teach others (Matthew 28:18, Acts 1:8). He has given this “Commission” to the local church with no reservations. Although times and circumstances will change (as we have witnessed), we have not been excused from executing this mandate to be both evangelized and to evangelize. Living out this calling is demonstrated in the local assemblies coming together for corporate worship. Worship that is in spirit and truth.
  • Meeting Our Spiritual, Emotional and Social Needs, the early church is our typical example. As the church began to grow, literally multiplying overnight as their needs arose. The Lord saw their as important enough to have the elders assign certain leaders to attend to their matter. God’s house is a collection of people with different skill sets, different emotional and social backgrounds. Being together under the leadership of God’s ministers and teachers (Eph. 4:8-16 and Acts 2:44) we are able to have these needs met and become the effective body displaying all the gifts of the spirit to a world in need of answers.
  • Providing A Safe Environment, With the COVID pandemic so real in our lives, we have had to raise our awareness and efforts to ensure you are coming into a facility that will allow you to worship and fellowship with minimal distractions. As a result we if we comply, can be part of helping to contain and minimize the spread.

This letter issues some of the protocols we’ve put in place to help reach these above listed objectives.

In our efforts to achieve these goals, we have done the following for our church family:

  1. Prayer – To encourage you, we as the Leadership Staff of New Berean, we have continually, collectively and individually sought out the Lord for wisdom and direction on leading his people (I Kings 3:1-15). These are unprecedented times we find ourselves. No doubt the saints of the early church found themselves saying the same words we are echoing today. But just as they did, we are doing now. Everything we do and speak to each is bathed in a daily amount of prayer. The Lord has told us throughout the scriptures to pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17), approach his throne of grace with confidence that we obtain mercy and grace to help in our time of need (Heb. 4:16) and to minimize anxiety let our request be known to Him, that we may obtain a level of peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil. 4:6).
  2. Search of the Scriptures – Acts 17:11 is the beginning of the ministry of New Berean. As the Berean church we are, we are accustomed to challenge one another to support our beliefs, and actions with sound biblical truths which can only be achieved through a searching of the scriptures. Our search is to gain God’s perspective and insight of how to lead, and minister to the people of God effectively.
  3. Considered the Peoples Concerns – Considering one another in love was paramount for us (Heb. 10:24). God expects us to place your concerns as priority just as he does. God established the local assemblies as a place of prayer and worship and not a den of thieves (Matt 21:13). When the Grecians and Jews were disputing, the Elders considered it as a distraction of their worship and thought the matter needed to be attended to (Acts 6). Hence, we have the establishment of the ministry of the “dioknos” of Deacons. God’s people as it pertains to worship in the local assembly is of high importance is important and we have seriously considered your concerns to as a factor in our decisions. We thank you for responding to our surveys and feedback. Because you need to be free to worship the Lord with minimal distractions and we are in the business of serving you. You are important to us.
  4. Prepared for Worship – With all that has been provided, we have taken the advice, directions, guidelines and recommendations from the various medical experts, the CDC, the office of our Governor and the VDH on this COVID. We have learned what is it, how it spreads and what measures can be employed to minimize the risks associated. Just as the Levites were assigned the role of setting up, maintaining, taking down and transporting the Tabernacle in the wilderness (Num. 18), we have been assigned to maintain our worship facility for you.

For your protection and the protection of others we have assessed the risks and have taken the following measures:

Tap Here for the “Virtual Tour

  • The building (including the restrooms) will be cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected using the guidelines of the CDC and local Health Departments periodically and as necessary to support our public gatherings.
  • Masks, covering the nose and mouth will be worn by everyone while in the building.
  • Signs will be displayed and posted through the facility. You will be asked to read and understand these signs prior to entering and as you transit through.
  • Body temperature readings will be taken upon your initial entry. If your body temperature is greater than 100 degrees F, you will be asked not to enter the building
    o If you have exhibited any of the cold or flu-like symptoms you may be asked not to gather inside.
    o If you are already living with other health issues that may compromise your immune system, we are asking you not to gather for these pubic gatherings.
  • Follow the directions of the Greeters and Ushers during these worship services:
    o SOCIAL DISTANCING Do not gather with persons other than your immediate family
    o Maintain constant movement by others and do not congregate for extended periods of time
    o Entry and exit areas will opened as necessary minimizing the need to touch or handle surfaces
    o Restrooms will be monitored to ensure cleanliness as necessary. Signs have also been posted to remind us of our responsibility to perform proper hygiene techniques are adhered.
  • All printed materials have been removed from the chairs to prevent to urge to pass them from member to member. We are asking that you do not take it upon yourself to pass materials or items to other members during our services.
  • Constant communication is vital and we will be sharing with you additional information as well as feedback you have shared with us. As we constantly seek to educate ourselves, we ask for you to “Stay Connected” with our respective Deacons and Pastors.

Pulpit Points – Words of Comfort

And I will send you another Comforter”

For the Believer, life is to be lived from an eternal perspective and not from the “here and now”. In today’s Pulpit Points mess, “Words of Comfort” Leroy E. Ricks shares how and why this is to be done.

God has called us out to a living hope (I Peter 1:3) which is based upon his authority, his wisdom and faithfulness. As the sovereign God of all that exist, he is the authority who rules all things. In his omniscience, he is able to know all things before they even happen. From eternity past to eternity future, his wisdom is display through all creation and his ability to sustain through the power of his word. And because he the God who cannot change or deviate from his intended plans, he is faithful.

Join with us as we study Psalm 37

  • Do not Fret – v 1-2,
  • Trust in the Lord and Do Good – v 3
  • Delight In The Lord – v 4
  • Commit To the Lord – v 5

The Key to Power is Persistent Prayer

By Leroy E. Ricks, Sr

You ever wonder why it seems other Christians have power or the ability to stand longer and more stronger in certain situations than others? Or why our we seem to be powerless against the evil forces that come up in our lives? In today’s Pulpit Points message Leroy Ricks shares with the attending congregation some key elements our Lord left for us when it comes to praying (Luke 11:1-4) .

The Key To Power is Persistent Prayer

  • Prayer is About God’s Character and God’s Will ( v 1, 2)
  • Prayer is About What We Need From God (v 3, 4)
  • Prayer is About What We Need to Ask God For (v 4)


How To Deal With The Unexpected Lost of Your Pastor

The follow article is intended to be a source of encouragement to those of us who may need some direction on dealing with the unexpected lost of our Pastor. Because everyone one does not deal with death the same way, it is important for us to know that some need more help than others. God’s word declares we are to bear up one another in love (Eph. 4:2). So as we all process through this time, let us be supportive of the body of Christ and as encouraging as we can so God can be glorified and the people of God can be blessed specifically at New Berean.

If you need or would like someone to share your feeling or emotions, contact your Deacon and Flock Leader:

How To Deal With The Unexpected Loss of Your Pastor

by Vanderbloemen