Pulpit Points
The Bible declares that God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise (I Cor. 1:27). There are some of us who would immediately chosen the best, the strongest, the biggest or the fastest. But just as God did with David, the unlikely one to challenge a nine-foot Goliath, he knows the heart means more than the physical attributes. It has been said, “you can’t teach or coach heart”. Some people have it and some just don’t although they have all the skills and ability.
In today’s Pulpit Points message, Associate Pastor Cason takes us to a dark time is Israel’s history and God the omnipotent One chosen an unlikely one named Gideon to deliver them and a bleak moment. “God Calls A Mighty Judge” is a perfect example of the great mercy and grace, God has towards his people and his divine wisdom to taken us through the dark times in our own life.