On behalf of the New Berean Staff and ministry Leadership, we pray for your steadfastness in the Lord during this new year.
Our hearts are always for your to walk in the new life we now have in Christ Jesus our Lord. He has promised us so much through his commissioning which he charged us with.
He said, “Lo I will be with you always even till the end of the age“
which was preceded by his direction to his disciples to preach to the lost, baptize to those who believe and disciple and train those who choose to follow (Matt. 28:18-20). This blessed promise is always accompanied by his eternal grace, hope and love. We are encouraged to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).
We thank you for your service, labor of love and for your devotion to your call in Christ. As we transition into a new year, we ask you keep us in your prayers. Please pray for Pastor Cason as the Lord leads him to oversee the ministry until the Lord chooses a new pastor through the Pulpit Committee. Please be patient, prayerful and encouraging as we move on to those things the Lord has in store for us this new year. We thank you for all you have done and encourage you to remain faithful, Also we solicit your prayers as we consider the available means to creatively ministry to everyone so that no one is neglected (ref. Acts 6:1-7). We have a challenge ahead of us but we need your input and active responses on how we can best serve you.
Let us together look to be used mightily by the Lord, encourage one another and reach forward to those things which are ahead (Phil. 3:13).
Christmas is a very merry time. It the time that we in our society have set aside to recognize the birth of the Savior. Knowing the Christ as we do, we are grateful for the gift of God which is eternal life through the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes
We thank our God upon every remembrance of you, your labor of love and your service in the ministry of New Berean. We are and will always be a ministry established and built on the word of God and our deliberate attempt to search the scriptures daily. We pray for your steadfastness, your hope in his eminent return and renewed fellowship with the other saints. Our God has given us assurance that the things we experience here in this life cannot compare to glory that will be revealed in us when we see him (Romans 8:18). May you and your family experience the grace of God, his sweet fellowship and communion with the Lord be your comfort and glory. Be safe.
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” II Peter 3:18
By the grace of God, let us begin to forget those things which are behind and reach forward to those things are ahead (Phil. 3:13),
New Berean announces this year’s Annual Christmas Day service with Little Grove Baptist Church and our Watch Night service will not take place this year. We are making this important decision is due to the need to care and take precaution for the people of God.
We are in a precarious situation in our country with the COVID19 pandemic and by wise counsel, have chosen not to meet or gather on the premises of New Berean on these two special service. We have been given only one body to carry out God’s mission and we are take care of the temple as honorable as best we can.
Watch Night Service CANCELLED
Christmas Day Service CANCELLED
We are asking for the New Berean family ministry to follow the safe guidelines and executive orders of our government officials to help minimize the spread of the COVID virus. It is imperative that we as the body of Christ trust God and obey those who have rule over us (Tit. 3:1) so that when its is all said and done we will glorify our Lord and fair better than those on the outside by our obedience (Dan. 1:8-21) .
In the meantime, continue to pray for and encourage one another that our faith not fail but we be encouraged in the faithfulness of our loving Father (Josh. 1:8).
Wear your masks, maintain proper distancing, wash and clean your hands as often as you can and if you are ill, stay home from social gatherings (public or private) and seek medical attention if necessary.
In between our times of corporate fellowship, keep in contact and share with your respective Deacon and or ministry Leaders any issues or concerns we can help with. Stay Connected…
Watch Night at New Berean will not be the same as it has. There will be no corporate gathering to hear the songs of hope and faith. There will not be the familiar gatherings of laugher and encouragement. The time of holding hands and standing as we prayed -in the new year, to thank the Lord for the great things he had done while in anticipation for the hope of more great things to come. For the past 31 years, New Berean has gathered together in our building to share, fellowship, testify of the things we have witnessed and experience during the past year. We all have had some of the most extreme circumstances imaginable happen to us this past year. But as Paul testified before in his second letter to Timothy (II Tim. 3:10-12) we too can say how the Lord delivered us out them all.
Please take a moment, if you would and share with us God’s demonstration of his powerful love towards you. It will mean a lot to others that God is still working in the lives of his people here at New Berean. The fact he is still speaking to us, working in and through us will encourage those who need it. The year 2020 has been one for the books with the lost of our beloved Pastor and Founder Leroy E. Ricks, Sr. We are greatly appreciative for the life he lived before us, the biblical instructions and practical teachings he poured into our lives. But God is still working out his plan. As he allowed Moses and Israel to move forward by passing the torch onto Joshua, he has done it again with Pastor Ricks and New Berean. We are to grow into following His plan and be about our Father’s business. God’s grace will sustain us, it is sufficient.
If care to, share with us how God’s grace has been imparted to you personally this year. Use the comments block below and testify for the Lord and encourage one another as we see the day approaching (Heb. 10:25).
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Join us here this and every Wednesday at New Berean Baptist as we take advantage of this opportunity to renew our minds. Beginning at noon, we invite you to join our Prayer Warriors as we together, collectively wherever we are to Pause-N-Pray before the Lord’s throne of grace. If you care to share any specific request with us, let us know on our Pause-N-Pray contacts information.
Also Pastor Cason with take us through an examination of various subjects and bible lessons designed to encourage, challenge and prompt us to be as the Berean did – search the scriptures (Acts 17:11). This week’s lesson audio lesson, Cason will take us through another edition of “What We As Bereans Believe“. He is sharing with us the basic foundational doctrines the ministry of New Berean is founded. Join us today beginning at 2:00 pm.
Another opportunity to grow and be renewed in our minds is our Ladies Weekly Bible Study (via ZOOM). We are excited about how the Lord has chosen to teach our women. So zoom in and be encouraged by the teaching of God’s word.
That the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things – Titus 2:3
God has chosen to scatter us. But He has chosen this and many other ways to have us be renewed in our minds through the teaching of God’s word. The Ladies of New Berean have accepted this opportunity to share with and encourage us during this time of scattering.
Because we are family, members of the body of Christ (I Cor. 12:12), we have a responsibility to one another. Recently, the Governor of the State of Virginia issued an amendment to Executive Order #67 (Phase Three Further Adjusting of Certain Temporary Restrictions Due to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). These temporary restrictions are a direct result of the increase in COVID related cases in the state and a plan to minimize the spread of this disease.
Today (Dec. 10th, 2020) the Governor conducted a press conference release further expanding and extending those guideline and restrictions. The concern of the State is the continuance of the increase of COVID positive cases and the seeming lack of adherence to the current guidelines in place. But for our particular responsibility as a church (or place of worship) none of these recent guidelines directly affect New Berean. In brief the Governor issues the next steps:
Beginning 12/13/2020, at 12:01 am Virginia will begin a “modified stay at home order”. On that day beginning from Midnight to 5:00 am each day until further notice all residents and guests of Virginia are asked to stay at home unless it is to commute to and from work. We are asked to stay at home anyway but in particular these hours which are critical to help curb the spread. Knowing this virus is easily spread from person to person, the most effective way to minimize the spread is to reduce the number of person to person interactions. It is not practical to stay home completely but the idea is, if you don’t have to leave your home, don’t.
Secondly, masks are expected to worn by everyone if you are outdoors and around other people. Masks are expected to worn by everyone if you are outdoors cannot maintain a minimum distance of six feet. Masks are a key element to reducing the spray produced when talking, coughing or sneezing.
Social gathering limits have been reduced from 25 before the Thanksgiving holiday to 10. But as it was stated in Executive Order #67, religious services are not restricted to this limit. If you have to meet publicly or in private the limit by this order is no more than ten people.
The expectation behind all these expanded measures is temporary and will be evaluated periodically depending its effectiveness. His thought is the use of “common sense” in adhering to these measures is the most effective way to reduce the positive cases and impact on our state medical facilities.
Again, section B of the Order addresses All Public and In-Private Gatherings. Governor Northam refers to places of worship as “gatherings”.
All public and private in-person gatherings of more than 25 individuals are prohibited. The presence of more than 25 individuals performing functions of their employment or assembled in an educational instructional setting is not a “gathering.” A “gathering” includes, but is not limited to, parties, celebrations, or other social events, whether they occur indoors or outdoors. Individuals may attend religious services of more than 25 people subject to the following requirements:
a. Individuals attending religious services must be at least six feet apart when seated and must practice proper physical distancing at all times. Family members, as defined below, may be seated together. b. Mark seating and common areas where attendees may congregate in six-foot increments to maintain physical distancing between persons who are not Family members. c. Any items used to distribute food or beverages must be disposable, used only once and discarded. d. Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently-contacted surfaces must be conducted prior to and following any religious service. e. Post signage at the entrance that states that no one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 is permitted to participate in the religious service. f. Post signage to provide public health reminders regarding physical distancing, gatherings, options for high risk individuals, and staying home if sick. g. Individuals attending religious services must wear cloth face coverings in accordance with Amended Executive Order 63, Order of Public Health Emergency Five. h. If religious services cannot be conducted in compliance with the above requirements, they must not be held in-person.
If you have any further questions regarding these guidelines, please contact “Bruh” Steven Barnes. But please read the linked documents included below first.
And remember when you visit New Berean:
Wear Your Mask
Maintain Six-Feet Distancing Between Each Other
Wash and Cleanse your Hands Often
And If you are sick or experiencing symptoms such as:
Have you been out of your community or state in the last 10 days?
Have you or anyone you’ve been contact with been tested for the COVID virus?
Have you a cough, fever above 100 degrees F or sore throat, we are going ask you not to enter the building
Community of Faith form The Virginia Department of Health
Faith0Based Organizations – For many faith traditions, gathering together for worship is at the heart of what it means to be a community of faith. However, gatherings present a risk for increasing spread of COVID-19. More information about stopping the spread of COVID-19 can be found here. Information specific to child care, K-12 schools, and homeless shelters may also be helpful for some faith-based organizations.
When deciding whether to attend worship services, consider factors that impact the risk of COVID-19 transmission, including:
Level of COVID-19 spread in the community: Higher levels of COVID-19 in the community where the gathering will be held or where the attendees are coming from mean that there is a higher risk that someone could be infected with COVID-19. VDH has developed a dashboard to help make decisions based on data.
The number of people at the gathering: If there are many people in a space, it may be harder to stay at least 6 feet from others. The risk of COVID-19 spread also increases if there are more people at the event or if they come from many different places.
Location: Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings, especially when combined with other strategies such as wearing masks and increasing distance between people. Gatherings in large, well-ventilated spaces are safer than gatherings in smaller spaces that are not well-ventilated.
Duration: Spending less time with people outside your household is safer than spending longer time. This may be especially true in indoor environments where people are shouting or singing.
Behavior of people attending the gathering: If other guests have not been following social distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, and mask recommendations before the event, then there is a greater risk of one of them having COVID-19. If guests at the event are not practicing safe behaviors at the event, then COVID-19 could spread at that event. Certain activities, including chanting and singing, are known to increase the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Your own ability to wear a mask and risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19 may be important considerations as well. Those at risk for more severe illness should consider alternatives to in-person worship.
Best PracticesPhase Three and Mask GuidelinesInformation about Cleaning and VentilationAdditional Information
Relative Risk Levels for Attending Religious Gatherings:
Lowest risk: Services are only provided in a virtual or online format.
More risk: Small in-person services are permitted. Outdoor services are prioritized. Individuals from different households remain spaced at least 6 feet apart and do not share objects. No food is served. All persons are encouraged to wear masks (if able). Rigorous cleaning and disinfecting practices are implemented.
Even more risk: Indoor activities are held. Medium-sized in-person gatherings are adapted to allow individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart. All persons are encouraged to wear masks. Sharing items and group meals are discouraged.
Highest risk: Standard services are resumed. Large in-person gatherings are held indoors where it is difficult for individuals to remain spaced at least 6 feet apart. Food is served “potluck” or family style. Singing, chanting, or other activities that increase respiration is included in the service. Attendees may not all be wearing masks.
Additional Considerations:
Singing and playing wind instruments are considered to be high risk activities due to the increased amount of respiratory droplets and aerosols that may contain the COVID-19 virus if a person is infected. For this reason, singing is not recommended as part of religious services at this time. Increasing distance between individuals, wearing masks, and increasing ventilation in an area (or singing outside) can help reduce this risk. VDH’s Guidance for Performing Arts has more recommendations for singing and playing instruments.
Some religious rituals require the use of shared objects. This may increase the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 between people, so using individually-wrapped or single-use items are ways to decrease that risk.
Coffee service or shared meals, like ‘potluck style’ dinners, can increase the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Bringing your own coffee or food or ordering individually-plated meals can help to reduce risk.
Safer ways to conduct weekly services include drive-in or outdoor services. Holding multiple small services may allow for greater distancing between each service.
Consider suspending social events or additional programming and services until a safer time. More recommendations about hosting social events can be found here.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides Guidance for Faith-based Organizations here.
If you have ANY specific questions of comments in regards to New Berean, let us know, so we can help.
Eze. 22:30, “And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.”
Weekly Devotional: Where does it stop? Where does what stop? Becoming a Kingdom Man. We are always being conformed into the image of Christ. The Kingdom Man is a man of many facets, but ultimately it is that man in time or here on earth who represents the Heavenly Kingdom of God in eternity. And the process of conforming us does not stop until the day we draw our last breath. Then according to the scriptures, we will see Jesus as he is and we will be like him (I John 3:1-3).
In recent months, we have been hit with some incredible challenges due to this pandemic and none of us are exempt. We have had to adjust to some things never before seen in our lifetime.
God’s Kingdom Man Seeks The Lord
The Lord God, spoke to the people of Israel through the prophet Ezekiel here in the chapter to explain to them some things. He was not please but rather angry at them for their ungodliness and vile behavior (Eze. 22:1-16). It was because God has a different, higher expectation of his people and Israel not only strayed away but stayed away. Although straying is a reality, failure or missing the mark is inevitable when the word of the Lord is neglected and questioned.
In the end, God went the looking for a man who would represent him in time from eternity and we can be “that guy”. The Lord is in eternity but we are in time. His word provides the blueprints, instructions, precepts and commandments for us to become the complete man of God he desires (II Tim. 3:16-17). God told Joshua his success is going to rest with him being strong, courageous and obedient to his word.
Weekly Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, let your will be done in my life so I may be the man of God you want me to be. Through your word, comfort my heart and remove any anxiety or fear that prevents or hinders me from achieving your agenda through me.
Weekly Meditation: “After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory. 5 No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”