Over the past year, as we all can attest, have had our share of distractions. Some we could not avoid and other we could only minimize. God’s word reminds us “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit serve the Lord” (Rom. 12:11). It is our intent at New Berean to provide you and our guests a blessed worship experience and a place where we can all fulfill our calling through the preaching and teaching of his word. We can and will do this with a deliberate plan to protect you from all forms of distractions and adhering to these guidelines.
The safety of our worship facility is one we have and will continue to prioritize so we can minimize the risk of your health. Our signages, postings and verbal instructions are intended to be in compliance with the federal, state and local recommendations and directives. But more importantly it is to be in alignment with God’s words to attend to the needs of the people of God, especially those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). Our guidelines and expectations will remain in place until further notice.
Distanced Seating Maintaining Safe Fellowship Temperature Readings Will Be Taken Periodic and Frequent Cleaning (as needed)
New Berean Ministry still offers alternatives for those who are unable to come inside the building. We are grateful to the Lord for the things He has provided for us during these challenging times. We are always seeking ways to keep our church family and friends connected to the “Commission of Our Father’s Business”.
Pastor Cason’s Sunday morning messages are recorded and posted to our website under the “Inspiration” tab entitled Pulpit Points. Along with this we have our weekly ZOOM Ladies Bible Study, Pastor Cason’s Mid-Week Lessons series, the Sunday School Devotional and Pause-N-Pray. Pause-N-Pray is simply a mid-week reminder to join in with our Prayer Warrior’s to pause for a moment at the throne of grace and share with our Heavenly Father the things on our heart. We also have live FM transmission of the Sunday Morning service beginning at 9:15 am. If you have any questions, concerns or comments about your church, inquire with any one of the Officials or your respective Ministry Leaders
Just as it was for the saints of the early Church, being scattered is just another opportunity to spread God’s word outside the walls, encourage others in their faith and point people to the hope we have found in Christ Jesus. Nothing is impossible with God (John 19:26). While we are looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, let us encourage others to do likewise
Reach out to us at nbbcMinistry@yahoo.com