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The call to Pastor is the call of God to shepherd, oversee, lead, feed and disciple people to live lives to the glory and honor the Lord. He is a vessel chosen (Acts 9:15) to look out for and look over the people who make up the church of Christ and locally meet to fulfill the “The Commission” which he has ordained.
The call comes from God’s heart to fulfill his plan. His plan involves providing a person with his mindset, “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” Jer. 13:15. The word shepherd is translated from the word, rāʿâ, which means to tend, feed, teach and rule over. The divine call to pastor is to submit to the role of servant by giving of themselves for sake of the flock, God’s flock.
As we approach these historic of days at New Berean, we are encouraged to submit ourselves to God’s will and God’s word in prayer continually and showing ourselves approved by searching the scriptures daily (not weekly, monthly or conveniently), encouraging one another . when we meet and when we are away from one another until we meet again.
Next: The Choice of God