Archive | November 2023

Missionary Watch

Missionary as defined is a person sent on an assignment to carry a message to a foreign or other land and country. Here at New Berean, we accept the reality that all of us as believers are called and assigned by the Lord to carry the message of the cross to other across the planet. After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus assigned his disciples to take the word of God’s grace as extended through his finished work on the cross to the heart and eats or everyone (Mark 16:14-16). While some have taken this assignment as their personal calling in the ministry, all of us as disciples and followers of the Lord have this assignment as well and we do it practically through our “Marketplace Evangelism” initiative and support to those on the mission field.

Our mission support here at New Berean extends to Costa Rica, The Philippines, Ceraso (in the Caribbean) and India


The Kumars – India
Missionary Bernard Sylvien – Curacao
Pastors Reynons & Ricks along with their wives Vanessa and Gloria

Along with your prayerful and financial support for the work going on around the world, we also support by actively reaching out to our community through “Marketplace Evangelism”, the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Union Missions.

Be encouraged, be involved and support the Commission of Christ through your local church

Training is the first and second Tuesdays of every month at 7:00 pm and we go out into the Market the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays with Pastor “Tony”

The BereanWay at Baptist Church

Welcome to our New Berean Baptist Church web page. We are a local New Testament ministry founded in 1989. The BereanWay is the vision God has placed on Pastor “Tony” Harris to lead and guide the ministry into carrying out The Commission of Christ.

Connect/Contact Card
Let get acquainted
Click here for location and direction
Learn something about Pastor Antonio & Miss Samantha

Let us be your consideration to


Giving Thanks

On behalf of Pastor Tony and Sister Samantha, the Staff and Ministry Leadership of New Berean Baptist Church, we pray God’s blessings of grace, hope, contentment and peace be with you and your families. Be mindful of our manifold blessings as well as those who are not as materialistically fortunate. God has called us to extend what he’s blessed us with others in compassion and love (Acts 4:32-35).

CANCELLATION NOTICE: Both our Women’s and Men’s virtual Bible Studys will not be held tonight but will resume next Wednesday.


Marketplace Evangelism

The Stores are the Doors to Evangelizing the World

Beginning this week, join Pastor Tony as he takes us through the Acts of the Apostles to learn what “marketplace Evangelism” and how we can employ it in our society to win people to Christ.

The BereanWay – Equipping and Educating the Saints for Ministry

As our world spirals downward and increasingly away from the things of Christ, we as believers must be about our Father’s Business. Pastor Tony has begun a training series designed at helping us as believers and disciples to be equipped and educated in the teachings of our Lord (Matt. 28:20). It’s The BereanWay, join us.

3 Circles of Evangelism

North American Mission Board – Download the app

The BereanWay Strategic Planning

November 5thStrategic Planning – Introduction, Brief overview, identify team members, assess skillset, and establish ground rules, etc.

Thanks to all of you who came out and are helping us get The BereanWay Strategic Planning process off the ground. We all are excited about the changes the Lord is making and about to make in us. As we expect, there was a little apprehension, but more than that, there is an expectancy that God is able to exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20). Its the BereanWay to Believe God for the Impossible, Adventure with God and Adore God” as he teaches us, trains us and directs us through Pastor Tony’s leadership.

Continue to pray and encourage the change in us God is doing and the change he is going to make through us. Our next session is scheduled for this Saturday November 11 at 9:00 am. See you there.

November 11 – Session 1

December 9 – Session 2

January 13 – Session 3