Archive | August 1, 2024

The BereanWay – Adventuring with God

Free Community Giveaway – August 10th

The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist Church is hosting its Annual Free Community Giveaway. Members and friends alike are asked to bring, give and donate. These items will be given away to visitors and guests.

Use the donation left as a guide

Items for Donation

  • Household items/toiletries – soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, pepper towels, dish washing liquid, laundry detergent, etc.
  • Small appliances, countertop items
  • Garden tools – working condition
  • Gently used toys – clean
  • Shoes (sneakers) – good condition
  • Custom jewelry, scarves
  • Pocketbooks
  • School supplies, Backpacks for all ages

National Night Out – August 6th

Join in with ministry of New Berean as we participate in the Annual National Night Out, downtown Portsmouth. We will be joining other agencies, ministries and local vendors as a show of partnering with the Portsmouth Police Department in an effort to strengthen our community for the good of all. I Timothy 2:1-6 reminds us to support those who are authority that we may live a peaceable life in all godliness. National Night Out is our way of partnering with the community we serve and worship in through a visible presence. So, come on out and help us tell the crowd who New Berean Baptist Church is and what we offer them. This is our opportunity to share The BereanWay by evangelizing with the gospel of Christ.

Senior Ministry Kickoff – August – August 23rd

If you are 55 and older, you are invited to join with other seniors for time of fellowship, fun and food. We are looking forward to encouraging our seniors and celebrating the opportunity to be used (I Tim. 5). If you know any other seniors who would be blessed or would like to be a blessing, bring the out.

Revival Service – August 21st

Pastor Kenneth Ricks and the Macedonia Baptist Church invites the New Berean family ministry to share in a time of revival and renewal.

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