God lead and delivered Israel from bondage to freedom (Ex. 14). He delivered them from their oppressors (Ex. 6:13). And He delivered the from all their enemies (Jdg. 8:34). What they thought was an impossible task, was only in the realm of possibilities of n omnipotent God. The same God in whom Abraham, Noah, David and Paul trusted, is the same God in whom we will trust and believe in for the impossible.
The BereanWay is to “Believe God for the Impossible“, to “Adventure with God“, to “Evangelize with the Gospel”, and more. It is the vision we share here at New Berean, to grow, live move and have our being. It is where we are because it is where God is leading us. Let us share God’s vision with you and your family as we venture into the abundant life in 2025.
Join us in fellowship for our annual Watch Night Worship service. Celebrating and reflecting on the majestic hand of power and grace of God throughout 2024. And as we are anticipating His to lead, guide, provide and feed us, let us be found faithful in our devotion, service walk with him.
Sunday School LIVE & Sunday School Students LIVE will commence this Sunday and will continue throughout the new year. Sunday School LIVE is a planned series of lessons in line with The BereanWay to “Educate and Equip the Saints for Ministry“. Adults and Students alike will experience and exciting presentation of the word of God that will enable, equip and supply us with the tools we need to both growth in our faith in Christ and share our faith to a world in desperate need of the Savior.
New to the area, looking for a local New Testament assembly to fellowship, grow and serve? Consider New Berean Baptist church and start here at our Guest Connect Portal. We are excited and looking for to connect with you and your family