Special COVID Health Information
Sunday Morning Prayer, Praise & Preaching Service
Morning Corporate Prayer – 9:00 am, Join our Prayer Warriors as we come together for a time of prayer and meditation seeking the Lord’s counsel, direction and wisdom over our lives.
Praise & Preaching Service – 9:30 am – God had commanded we come together to corporately worship Him, edify one another and be trained in the teachings from his word. Although there are extenuating circumstances, we are not to become complacent but rather seek to minister and be ministered. If you are not able to meet in-person, follow us online with Pulpit Points on our Inspiration page for inspiring and encouraging messages from our archives
Sunday Devotional
Lessons designed to give you a regular weekly opportunity to study lessons that we use for our Sunday Devotions here at New Berean. Join us each week as we “Learn More, Grow More, Be More” in Christ
Mid-Week Wednesday
Study online with Associate Pastor Cason. Current lesson series “Marching Through the Gospel of Mark “ . Review past and upcoming lesson sessions which can be accessed anytime after 12 noon on Wednesdays.
Pulpit Point Preaching Series
Each Sunday, we will feature an audio edition of the pulpit preaching ministry of New Berean Founder Leroy E. Ricks, Sr, Associate Pastors Dr. Lamont E. Ricks and DeWayne Cason. Messages will be shared online every Sunday beginning at 10:00 am.