
Leadership Meet to Plan

Ministry Leaders, let’s begin planning out this year’s events. Let us know how we can coordinate and collaborate to minister, bless and encourage God’s people and reach the community with the Gospel of Christ. Meeting date TBD

Be Diligent, Stay Safe

Over the past year, as we all can attest, have had our share of distractions. Some we could not avoid and other we could only minimize. God’s word reminds us “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit serve the Lord” (Rom. 12:11). It is our intent at New Berean to provide you and our guests a blessed worship experience and a place where we can all fulfill our calling through the preaching and teaching of his word. We can and will do this with a deliberate plan to protect you from all forms of distractions and adhering to these guidelines.

The safety of our worship facility is one we have and will continue to prioritize so we can minimize the risk of your health. Our signages, postings and verbal instructions are intended to be in compliance with the federal, state and local recommendations and directives. But more importantly it is to be in alignment with God’s words to attend to the needs of the people of God, especially those of the household of faith (Gal. 6:10). Our guidelines and expectations will remain in place until further notice.

New Berean Ministry still offers alternatives for those who are unable to come inside the building. We are grateful to the Lord for the things He has provided for us during these challenging times. We are always seeking ways to keep our church family and friends connected to the “Commission of Our Father’s Business”.

Pastor Cason’s Sunday morning messages are recorded and posted to our website under the “Inspiration” tab entitled Pulpit Points. Along with this we have our weekly ZOOM Ladies Bible Study, Pastor Cason’s Mid-Week Lessons series, the Sunday School Devotional and Pause-N-Pray. Pause-N-Pray is simply a mid-week reminder to join in with our Prayer Warrior’s to pause for a moment at the throne of grace and share with our Heavenly Father the things on our heart. We also have live FM transmission of the Sunday Morning service beginning at 9:15 am. If you have any questions, concerns or comments about your church, inquire with any one of the Officials or your respective Ministry Leaders

Just as it was for the saints of the early Church, being scattered is just another opportunity to spread God’s word outside the walls, encourage others in their faith and point people to the hope we have found in Christ Jesus. Nothing is impossible with God (John 19:26). While we are looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, let us encourage others to do likewise

Reach out to us at

A Tale of Four Preachers

Pulpit Points with DeWayne Cason

In today’s message “A Tale of Four Preachers“, we learn that towards the end of the time of the Judges, God had been silent to Israel for decades. The priests are corrupt. The surrounding countries continued to jeopardize the land’s safety. Even Eli, the high priest and judge of Israel, was not faithfully serving God and the people. Israel needs more than a judge. Israel needs the Word from God. Israel needs a prophet, a Man of God. But who would God choose? Let’s find out in this is a tale of four preachers.

The Message:

  1. An Unusual Group of Preachers 1Sam 2:12-17
  2. An Undisciplined and Unfit Priesthood – 1Sa 2:22-26
  3. An Uncompromising and Upset God – 1Sa 2:27-36, 1Sa 3:11-14
  4. An Upended People – 1Sa 4:1-22

In conclusion, we see that Israel was witness to God’s uncompromising stance. He wants His creation to worship Him in His way from the pew to the pulpit. Perhaps we should take this tale of four preachers as a warning to all who serve God in his Church. Are we like Samuel, or like Hophni and Phinehas or their father Eli? Have we dealt with the sacraments of God with fear and trembling? Have we served Christ in every person over whom we have charge properly? Have we devoted ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers? Or has the Church become fat from comforts of finances and praises of men, lax in our duties or become self-serving in our leadership positions. Let us serve our God in such a way that when we serve the flock of God, we do right before God, before His people and before world who watches what we do.

Visit Pulpit Points, our archive of more preached messages from the pulpit of New Berean Baptist Church

Safe Worship Protocol

Update: Information

With our ever-changing world, it is imperative we know what options are available to help keep us and our families safe. We should want to know what we can do to stay healthy at home and at our local assemblies of worship. In light of the more recent changes in our communities, we are providing information to you from the CDC Community, VDH and other medical experts. This “Safe Fellowship Protocol” plan is specific to guests and visitors of the New Berean Baptist Church facility primarily but can be applied elsewhere. Listed below are several initiative measures we want to use to re-emphasize things you should expect when you attend (please use the links for additional information).

We all need and want fellowship. Fellowship is biblical and practical, but we must do it in consideration to our current health environment. We also must be considerate to the health of our sisters and brothers with who we want to fellowship. Maintain safe distancing practices and encourage others to the same while in the facility. Minimize times of close contacts and maximize your distance.

Click the Image
Click the Image

Frequently wash, clean or sanitize your hands as often as necessary. Being that these viruses are communicable and we touch surfaces, it is important we make sure our hands are clean. Simple safe practices can greatly decrease the risks in spreading viruses. For your connivence we have provided hand sanitizers throughout the facility.

Click the Imag for masks guidelines

While inside the facility of New Berean, masks are to be worn at all times. It is founded the use of masks help reduce the risks associated with communicable viruses (mask usage). We have implemented the use of wearing masks and by the grace of God, we have adjusted and minimized these risks. No, it is not as comfortable as it used to be in places of worship, but things have changed, We are always educating ourselves so we can provide a high level of confidence and safety for our guests. The symptoms of COVID can be similar to those of the flu virus. Take very good notice of your health, monitor, and seek medical advice if conditions warrant.

Click the Image for prevention tips

Staying healthy is always a challenge. But as believers, we are reminded our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19). God expects us to manage his dwelling place faithfully (I Cor. 4:2). So as we apply these biblical principles to our lives take the necessary precautions to monitor and maintain your personal condition. We will continue check body temperatures of our guests. Anyone with a surface body temperature >100 degrees F we’re going to ask you reconsider coming in the facility. To help us be considerate of the health of others around you we are still using our transmitter service.

Click the Image for Covid & Flu Symptom comparisons

Thank you for praying for us and adhering to our plan as it is designed to provide us with a safe worship environment. We want everyone attending our fellowship to be safe and confident as they gather for spiritual encouragement. The Lord reminds to “exhort one another daily as we see the Day approaching (Heb. 10:23-25).

If you have any special concerns, share them with us. Thanks

Drive Up, Tune In Worship Service

New Berean offers our family and guests the opportunity to enjoy the Sunday morning worship from the comfort and safety of your own vehicle.

New Berean is interested in your spiritual health as well as your physical. In addition to our regular modified worship service, we have set up our audio recordings and video recordings on Youtube we are set to launch a new and different way for you to be blessed by a live experience without the close contact.

Beginning this and now every Sunday, we will be providing an audio version of our service live via FM radio transmission. Simply drive up, tune in your FM car receiver to radio frequency 107.5 and worship. This will allow you to listen in on all information and service live from the comfort and safety of your own vehicle.

FM Frequency 107.5

The Lord reminds us from his word not to become complacent or settled with not regularly meeting together with other saints (Heb. 10:25). We all know things have challenged us to be creative in our meetings but we’re still obligated to the Lord to corporately worship if it is safe. We want to minister to you and this is just another way to meet the need of a worship service if you choose.

Visit us – Invitation Extended!

The Garment of Praise

The Garment of Praise – In today’s message, Pastor Cason shares from Isaiah 61 which begins as a passage about God’s promises to the post exile children of Israel. He tells them he would bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of heaviness or despair in Isaiah 61:3.

Message Points:

– God’s Promise for Salvation and a Garment of Praise – Isaiah 61:1-3

– God’s Power to Deliver Us From the Spirit of Heaviness – 2 Samuel 12:15-21

– God’s Plan for Future Blessings on His People – Isaiah 61:3

In conclusion, Pastor Cason asks, “has life got you on hold? Has despair robbed you of hope? No desire to spend time with God? Is the spirit of heaviness weighing you down? The Word of God tells us to exchange that spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise. When we do and begin to praise the Lord in spite of our circumstances, others will begin to see it in our lives. And as we begin to experience the joy of the Lord again, God will get the glory.

Operation “Blessing Bags”

Blessing Bags in the making…The Missions Ministry of New Berean are making it happen for those less fortunate and in need. We are grateful to all of you who gave and participate in this precious opportunity of ministry. Unto good works which we have been ordained to do (Eph. 2:4-10) … May the Lord be glorified and the people blessed.

The Sensational Nightingales

Members, family and friends, join us this Sunday morning for special musical blessing from The Sensational Nightingales. They have asked encourage us during our Sunday Morning Prayer, Praise and Preaching service with a melody of songs.

The Nightingales have been blessing the hearts of many over the past 75 years and have been a favorite of New Berean Baptist Church ministry. We are excited about their desire to come to New Berean and we’ve welcomed them.

Sunday Dec, 5th, 9:00 am

A Godly Man

Being or becoming a godly man involves knowing what a godly man is. God has given us in his word what he desires and requires. In the same breath He provides and supplies the sufficient amount of grace for each and every element to achieve his blessed objectives of his glory in us (II Cor. 12:7-10). Men let us encourage one another to faithfully examine the list of passages below and ask the Lord to help us become the man He wants.

  1. A godly man is a just man – Micah 6:8
  2. A godly man is a man of mercy – Micah 6:8
  3. A godly man is a man of humility – Micah 6:8
  4. A godly man is blameless – Psalms 15
  5. A godly man is righteous – Psalms 15
  6. A godly man is truthful – Psalms 15
  7. A godly man does not slander – Psalms 15
  8. A godly man is kind to neighbors – Psalms 15
  9. A godly man despises evil – Psalms 15
  10. A godly man keeps promises, even to his hurt – Psalms 15
  11. A godly man is giving, not greedy – Psalms 15
  12. A godly man is a man of integrity – Psalms 15
  13. A godly man is unshakeable – Psalms 15
  14. A godly man is holy – Ephesians 1:4
  15. A godly man is a doer of the word of God – James 1:25
  16. A godly man is fruitful – Galatians 5:22-23, Psalms 1:3
  17. A godly man delights in the Lord’s commands – Psalms 1:1
  18. A godly man is prosperous – Psalms 1:3
  19. A godly man does not blend in with the world – Psalms 1:1
  20. A godly man strives for perfection in Christ – Matthew 5:48
Becoming God’s Man

Sunday Morning Prayer, Praise & Preaching

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday morning…

We are working to provide you a safe worship facility because with both need and want your fellowship. God has provided an opportunity for us to grow together, pray together and fellowship together and we are excited about sharing the things we have in common. Looking forward to fellowshipping with you as we praise and worship the Lord together.

Supplying the Need, Fitly Joined Together in Love
The Sensational Nightingales will be our special musical guests this Sunday morning

Live transmission

We also have set-up a transmitter receiver for a live audio of the service. Just drive up into the parking lot, tune into to 107.5 FM and listen in live.

Join our Missionary Ministry Saturday Dec. 4th to put together “Blessing Bags” for the homeless and less fortunate. Your donations and help are needed for this great opportunity display the love of Christ. Sister Gwen Reed is the point of contact.