Mid Week Renewal
For many of us, Wednesday marks a time of renewal and refreshing. A time to reflect on the things of God since Sunday and store up for the rest of the week. Here at New Berean, we have a couple opportunities to gather ourselves for the daily challenges to grow in Christ
- Pause-N-Pray Wherever you may be today, join our Prayer Warriors as we go before the Lord’s Holy throne where we can give Him our heart of thanks as well as petitions for things we need. His grace is sufficient for every situation.
- Sunday’s Pulpit Points preached message – Every Sunday we are afforded the opportunity hear the word God as preached and declared by Pastor DeWayne Cason. This week’s message taken from I Cor. 13 entitled, “The Greatest of These is Love” was Paul’s reminder of Love’s Eminence Over Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor. 13:1-3), Love’s Virtues Explained (1 Cor. 13:4-7) and Love’s Endurance (1 Cor. 13:8-13). Take a moment and watch this video recorded in our worship center.
- Ladies ZOOM Bible Study – Join our Ladies ministry tonight for a study in the word of God
- Mid-Week Study with Pastor Cason – Join Pastor Cason today for his weekly audio study. His current series is entitle, “Titus. Right Living Through Sound Doctrine“. Paul sought to share some sound instructions with his understudy and son in the ministry Titus. As the word of God spread throughout the world Paul wanted Titus to organize the local assemblies.
We want you to be encouraged and connected.
This gallery contains 2 photos.
Anniversary Celebration
Celebrate the 9th Anniversary of Pastor Stanley and First Lady Carolyn Eley with Macedonia Baptist Church.
Surprise them with your presence as they honor the Lord for the gift of their Pastor. Pastor Eley faithfully and formerly served New Berean as Deacon, Sunday School Superintendent and Associate Pastor.
VDH Updated Information
Periodically, the Virginia Department of Health will present updated information for the residents and guests of the state of Virginia. As a means to minister to the family and friends of New Berean, below is the most recent update on the COVID 19 vaccination distributions.
If you planning to get your shot, login to the VDH site here and fill out the form and get registered.
COVID Vaccinations Registration Site
(Click on the above link to the VDH website on COVID Vaccinations)
VDH COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1a In Depth (PDF Document)
While the supply is limited, COVID-19 vaccine will be provided to specific groups of people over a number of phases. Virginia guidance was adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations that aim to (1) decrease COVID-19 deaths and serious disease, (2) preserve functioning of society, and (3) reduce the extra burden COVID-19 is having on people already facing disparities.
Virginia’s Phase 1a: Vaccinate Healthcare Personnel and Residents of Long Term Care Facilities
Definition of Healthcare Personnel (HCP)
- Behavioral health providers
- Community health workers
- Dental assistants, hygienists, dentists
- EMT/first responders serving as EMT extenders
- Environmental services staff
- Healthcare trainees
- Home health workers
- Human service providers
- Laboratorians
- Mortuary service providers (e.g. morticians/funeral home staff)
- Nurses, nursing assistants
- Optometrists
- Personal care aides
- Pharmacists, pharmacy techs and staff
- Physicians, physician assistants
- Public-facing public health workers
- Radiological techs (and other diagnostic/therapeutic techs)
- Respiratory, physical, speech and occupational techs
- Social workers
HCP by Order of Risk
To the extent possible, vaccination opportunities should first be aimed at those at greater risk before those at less risk. However, opportunities to vaccinate other HCP efficiently and quickly should not be missed.
- Those who directly engage in the care of or interact with patients known or suspected of COVID-19, or who have direct exposure to potentially infectious materials from patients known or suspected to be infected with COVID-19.
- Healthcare personnel who interact with patients at higher risk for infection due to the patients’ individual risk factors but are not known or suspected to be infected with COVID-19 (dialysis, residential care facilities and EMS.)
- Employees and contracted personnel not otherwise vaccinated per the above categories whose duties may require access to clinical settings at health system facilities or who are critical to the ongoing operations of health system facilities.
- Healthcare personnel who interact with patients not known or suspected to be infected with COVID-19.
How HCP Can Access Vaccination
Healthcare systems and local health departments are working collaboratively to vaccinate healthcare personnel.
- The ability to schedule appointments will depend on the supply of vaccine available.
HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS are vaccinating their staff. Many are vaccinating non-health system staff as well.
LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS are compiling lists of healthcare providers who are not affiliated with a hospital or health system and are reaching out to those groups as quickly as possible.
- Determine which of your employees are at high risk for exposure to COVID-19.
- If you haven’t yet been contacted by a health system or local health department, contact your local health department. If unable to get in contact with the local health department, contact the VDH COVID-19 Call Center at 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343) for assistance.
Residents and Staff within Long Term Care settings
Definition of Long-Term Care Facilities by Order of Risk
- Skilled nursing facilities
- In-patient hospice facilities
- Assisted living facilities
- Residential care communities; e.g., programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly, psychiatric residential treatment facilities, religious nonmedical health care institutions, etc.
- Intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities
- State veterans homes
- Other adult care homes, family care homes, group homes
Long-Term Care staff include:
- All staffing working in facilities listed above
- Home health workers (e.g., nursing, respiratory therapists, health aides) who enter the need to go into the homes of individuals with chronic, complex conditions and/or disabilities to deliver nursing and/or daily living care
- Home health providers who deliver health care services for older adults, people with disabilities, and others with chronic health conditions who live independently in the community with supports and services
How LTCF Staff and Residents Can Access Vaccination
In Virginia, most LTCF residents and staff will be vaccinated by CVS and Walgreens teams through the Federal LTCF Pharmacy Partnership program. A small number of facilities that were not included in the program will work with their local health districts to ensure vaccination of their staff and residents.
VDH COVID-19 Vaccine Phase 1b In Depth (PDF Document)
While the supply is limited, COVID-19 vaccine will be provided to specific groups of people over a number of phases. Virginia guidance was adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations that aim to (1) decrease COVID-19 deaths and serious disease, (2) preserve functioning of society, and (3) reduce the extra burden COVID-19 is having on people already facing disparities.
Virginia’s Phase 1b: Vaccinate Frontline Essential Workers, People Aged 65 years and Older, People Living in Correctional Facilities, Homeless Shelters and Migrant Labor Camps, and People aged 16 through 64 years with a High Risk Medical Condition or Disability that Increases Their Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19
Frontline Essential Workers
Definition of Frontline Essential Workers
Workers who are in sectors essential to the functioning of society, are at substantially higher risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, and cannot work remotely. Frontline Essential Workers include:
- Police, Fire, and Hazmat
- Corrections and homeless shelter workers
- Childcare/PreK-12 Teachers/Staff
- Food and Agriculture (including veterinarians)
- Manufacturing
- Grocery store workers
- Public transit workers
- Mail carriers (USPS and private)
- Officials needed to maintain continuity of government (including judges and public facing judicial workers)
For definitions of the occupational groups of the frontline essential workers listed above, see pages 9-16 of Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response.
Frontline Essential Workers by Order of Vaccination Planning
Because there is not sufficient supply at this time to vaccinate everyone in Phase 1b at the same time, local health districts will reach out to engage the Frontline Essential Worker groups in vaccination planning in the following order:
- Police, Fire, and Hazmat
- Corrections and homeless shelter workers
- Childcare/PreK-12 Teachers/Staff
- Food and Agriculture (including veterinarians)
- Manufacturing
- Grocery store workers
- Public transit workers
- Mail carriers (USPS and private)
- Officials needed to maintain continuity of government (including judges and public facing judicial workers)
Overlap of vaccination of groups is expected to ensure people in Phase 1b are vaccinated as quickly and efficiently as possible. Opportunities to vaccinate Frontline Essential Workers should not be missed.
How Frontline Essential Workers Can Access Vaccination
Local health departments, pharmacies, healthcare systems, and employer-based occupational health units are working collaboratively to vaccinate frontline essential workers. Frontline essential workers may be most likely to receive the vaccine through employer-based vaccination clinics. Others will get it through their local health department or through arrangements with pharmacies and healthcare providers. Information will be coming out from local health departments, employers, and healthcare providers about how and when you can receive your COVID-19 vaccine. The ability to schedule appointments will depend on the supply of vaccine available.
People Aged 65 years and Older
The risk for severe illness with COVID-19 increases with age, with older adults at highest risk. Severe illness means that a person with COVID-19 may require hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe, or they may even die. The goal of vaccinating this population is to decrease the burden of disease and death caused by COVID-19. During Phase 1b, roughly half of each local health district’s allocation of doses should be used for this population.
How Persons Aged 65 years and Older Can Access Vaccination
Many of the people who are included in Phase 1b because of their age will be offered the vaccine through their healthcare provider. Others in this category will be able to access vaccination through their local health department or through arrangements with healthcare systems and pharmacies.
People Aged 16 through 64 years with Certain Conditions or Disabilities that Increases Their Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19
This group is included in Phase 1b because they are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, which can result in hospitalization and death. The goal of vaccinating this population is to decrease the burden of disease and death caused by COVID-19.
The list of medical conditions is updated routinely as new data become available at
Healthcare providers may use clinical judgement to determine if a patient’s medical condition or disability warrants prioritization for vaccination.
How Persons Aged 16 through 64 Years with a High Risk Medical Condition or Disability Can Access Vaccination
Many of the people who are included in Phase 1b because of their age will be offered the vaccine through their healthcare provider. Others in this category will be able to access vaccination through their local health department or through arrangements with healthcare systems and pharmacies. Information will be coming out from local health departments and healthcare providers about how and when people in Phase 1b can receive their COVID-19 vaccine.
People Living in Correctional Facilities, Homeless Shelters, and Migrant Labor Camps
People living in correctional and detention facilities are at greater risk for COVID-19 because of close living arrangements with other people. People living in homeless shelters are at increased risk because homeless services are often provided in congregate settings, which could facilitate the spread of infection. Because many people who are experiencing homelessness are older adults or have underlying medical conditions, they may also be at increased risk for severe illness. Individuals in migrant labor camps may experience living arrangements or working conditions that put them at greater risk of getting COVID-19. Some migrant workers also have limited access to health care, as well as certain underlying medical conditions that put them at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19, compared to the rest of the U.S. population.
How Persons Living in Correctional Facilities, Homeless Shelters, and Migrant Labor Camps Can Access Vaccination
The Department of Corrections, local and regional jails, and their occupational health programs will vaccinate staff and persons living in correctional facilities, with local health department assistance as needed. Those living in homeless shelters and migrant labor camps will receive the vaccine through their local health department or through arrangements with healthcare systems and pharmacies.
Stay Connected
Sending our love for you in the name of our Lord and Father of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are encourage by you and your prayers and love as demonstrated towards one another. Your efforts of faith in calling one another, texting and sending greetings cards are the things our Lord looks at as evidence of us being found faithful.
As we remain focused and steadfast in the faith, we would like to share a few items of importance with you our members:
In our attempt to be a faithful, we have attempted to provide you with several opportunities of spiritual growth and service.
Let us help by providing you with the tools you will need pertaining to the spiritual warfare we are engaged in. There will always be opposition in war. There will be some direct attempts against our faith and there will be some designed to thwart us by deception. But God has appointed us to be watchful and to prayer that our faith not fail (Lk 22:32).
We also strongly encourage you as members of New Berean, to employ the services of the Deacon Family ministry to assist or aide you if we can. Provide feedback on ways we can keep you connected to the rest of the Berean family and pray, call, and reach out to one another as you can. Our normal is no longer normal so we all are exploring different methods to be a blessing.
Visit Us – We all have been inundated with all the information, misinformation, rumors and other reports as we process through the current pandemic but our responsibility as believers is to be found faithful (I Cor. 4:2). There is enough recklessness being displayed and as part of being a faithful steward, we will provided you with what the CDC (Center for Disease Control) website has specifically relevant to us.
Pulpit Points is a library collection of messages formatted in Youtube mp4 for both listening and viewing. From the pulpit preaching ministry of Founder and Pastor Leroy E Ricks along with various of preachers, browse these recorded messages and expected to be encouraged, blessed instructed and challenged.
Pulpit Points (Audio Archive) is our library audio collection of messages from the pulpit preaching ministry of Pastor Leroy E Ricks along with various of preachers, browse these recorded messages
Ladies Mid-Week Zoom Bible Study Meeting – Ladies, members and guests are invited to join Sister Joan Jackson every Wednesday to take a walk through the scriptures. These lesson are designed to speak to the needs of our women using biblical principles, the precepts and commandments
Salvation – Man’s greatest need is to have a personal relationship the Lord. We as Believers have been commissioned by the Commissioner, our Lord Jesus the Christ to take the good news the gospel of God’s great love to the world. (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8) is the commission to his disciples and subsequent followers what to tell, to who to tell and why. This is a basic outline of the things we ourselves ought to be settled in so we may be obedient to the Commission. Preach – Baptize – Disciple to a lost and dying people.
Sunday Devotional is a series of lessons from the International Sunday School curriculum. Each week we feature the upcoming lesson with a brief summary and commentary to help you with a practical understanding of the word of God
MGM Weekly
Investing is good. We invest our time, energy and efforts with the intent of receiving a greater return. God has called us to invest in our children. There is a great gap existing between men and God. God’s word provides the tools, resources and instructions our children can use to gain a greater return value.
MGM Weekly 0221
Every day we as men are expected to be “that man”. The man who answers to everyone, responds to everyone and has the solution for everything. In our homes, in schools and at our places of employment and worship. We are in high demand. But really, what is new about this?
The Lord God, created a man and placed him in the Garden of Eden. He gave him a place (the Garden), a position (an overseer) and a purpose (be a reflection of God as a responsible manager) Genesis 2. In the next few weeks, we will look at what God’s original intent was for men and share with one another our experiences as “that man” and see how we can be the man God wants us to be.
Weekly Meditation: From the above mentioned passage in Ezekiel 22 verse 30, what do you think the Lord was speaking to Israel?
Running to Win The Prize
Introduction: The Christian race is not easy but demands that we endure and push past our tiredness in faithfully proclaiming the gospel as we move towards the finish line. Not for boasting but running in such a way as to win the prize, the eternal and incorruptible crowns that last forever.
The Message Points: I Corinthians 9:24-27
- The Outset (Matthew 6:33) “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
- The Outlook (Philippians 4:4) “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!“
- The Outreach (2 Corinthians 5:20) “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”
- The Outcome (2 Timothy 4:7-8) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.“
Conclusion: The Outset, the Outlook and the Outreach will determine the runner’s Outcome. So, man must consider his very soul while racing on this side of eternity. Those who reject Christ will lose their race and will forever be without hope. May it not be so for you. Instead, choose to race with those who have accepted Jesus as Savior, for they will be receive the Crown of Life. For those who have trusted in Jesus, may we look onward to finishing our course. We do not race to find salvation for that is a precious gift by grace though faith. But we run our race, with a mindset to win the prize.
DeWayne Cason
What We As Bereans Believe
The Bereans of Acts 17:11 were identified and being more noble than those saints in Thessalonica. God stated they searched the scriptures diligently to verify and validate those things being taught. It was of the utmost importance to them because the truth of the word of God that important. Just as it is now, there were many people claiming to be messengers of God but in reality, they were imposters (Acts 20:29-31).
In a series of lessons, Pastor Cason examines the basic doctrines that make up the foundation of the ministry of New Berean and the mindset of it members. If it is preached and taught, the scriptures will be search out to either support or deny its validity.
What We Believe Here At New Berean The foundation of our personal walk in Christ is based upon what we believe. In this new study, Pastor DeWayne Cason will spend the next few few weeks examining the fundamental doctrines of this local assembly and why we hold to these specific doctrines.
What We As Bereans Believe Introduction Part I (click) – Every believer should have a foundational set of beliefs that support their entire system of faith. It is important these basic beliefs be biblically supported and sound (Titus 1:9) so when other teachings are introduced to us we are are able to distinguish. So follow along with Pastor Cason as he introduces to some and reviews the basic doctrines of The New Berean Baptist church ministry (What We Believe – PDF Document)
What We As Berean Believe Introduction Part II (click) – The basis or the basic foundation of the entire ministry of New Berean is the Bible. In today’s study, Pastor Cason leads us on a examination of the foundation of our beliefs and what other beliefs are built on that foundation.
- Doctrine – teaching that is sound and healthy to the spiritual sustaining of the one who hears
- Rebuke – reproof or pointing out error in wrong teaching by testing the teaching that is heard
- Correction – restoring or bringing error into agreement with truth
- Instruction – training which is promoted by healthy doctrine, pointing erroneous teaching and solidifies healthy teaching through its built-in system of correction
What is the word of God? The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament of the Bible are the inspired record of God’s revelatory actions in human history and is the authoritative basis for its doctrine and practice. It is the inspired Word of God, authoritative and without error in the original manuscripts (2 Tim 3:16). The Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are designed for the practical instruction in faith and conduct of every Christian. Jesus referred to the scriptures of old throughout his public ministry as the basis of his teaching. He uses scripture to teach others. It is our intent to help you understand that just as Jesus trusted the scriptures to teach, we too ought to be inclined to the same. God’s would is forever solidified in Christ (Matt. 24:35). Since the word is final it become the basis and foundation of the Christian faith.
What We As Bereans Believe Pt III (click) – This week’s lesson study focuses on God, God in three persons, blessed Trinity. Although the word trinity does not exist in the Canon of scriptures, there is the existence of the God-head throughout. Tonight, Pastor Cason will share from the scriptures who God is and why we believe there is only One God manifested himself in three persons. Join us today.
What We As Bereans Believe Pt IV (click) – the Doctrines of Creation, of Man and Satan.
We accept the biblical account of the “Triune Godhead” creating Earth, all the worlds (or universe) apart from any pre-existing materials or through any evolutionary process (Gen 1).
We also believe that man (mankind) is the direct creation of God (Gen. 2). God literally formed the first human being, Adam and made the first woman from that man (Acts 17:26). As a result, the entire human race descends from these two creations of God.
Satan, the devil is created being who is the chief adversary of God and all that represents for God (Eze. 28:12-15). Through the process of sin, satan rebelled in his heart against God (Rev. 12:10). As only God can and will do, he judged satan (Is 14:14). He was then expelled from the heavens and has been permitted by God to have a part in his divine plan here on earth. His end is defeat by means of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and sentenced him to an eternal damnation.
What We As Berean Believe – Part V (click) 0 The Doctrine of The Local Church. The Ordinances (Communion and Baptism)
An ordinance by definition is a religious custom whose intent is to demonstrate an adherent’s faith. Examples include baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as practiced in Evangelical churches adhering to the doctrine of the Christian’s church, Pastor Cason shares tonight how the Local assemblies of Christianity are a collection of people of like-faith. People who are born-again by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and have chosen to assemble, meet and congregate themselves under the biblical leadership as ordained in the scriptures.
Within those local assemblies are the two customs or ordinances practiced and maintained as instituted and directed by the Lord Jesus himself
What We As Bereans Believe Pt VI (click) Salvation. Soterios is the Greek word from where we get the English word salvation. Salvation is God’s deliverance of a the lost portion of his creation. In tonight’s lesson, Pastor Cason help us understand what biblical salvation is and why we as Bereans believe what we believe concerning God’s salvation and why. Jesus stated the reason why he came was to seek and to save those who are lost (Luke 19:10).