
Happy Thanksgiving

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High: Psalm 92:1

The “giving of thanks” to the Lord our God really a “no-brainer”. We as Believers in the Lord are going to give thanks even if we have to do it alone. We give thanks because it is right, and it a good thing to do (Ps. 92:1). But as with every other aspect of our public life, the pandemic that has its grip on our world and community has now impacted our personal life.

Due to the rising numbers of positive cases in our local areas (Data Tracker), our Medical community, Local, State and Federal government agencies have issued new restrictions and guidelines for the way we conduct our lives, including the ways we celebrate Thanksgiving. With that in light, we are asking and encouraging everyone to seriously consider adjusting to these recommendations for the sake of everyone’s safety. In Titus 3:1, we are reminded, “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work“. No one is telling us we cannot serve, worship, celebrate or honor the Lord. But we are in a medical pandemic situation which requires us to make some changes to help curve the transmission of the disease. We all have been personally impacted by this disease and too recommend you be wise in minimizing contacts with family and friends we are not used to.

Even if you cannot, use the information and recommendations provided for you in the link below to help plan out your family functions and festivities. Thank you and continue to give thank to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy is everlasting.

VA Governor Executive Order: #67 AMENDED

Pay particular attention to page 11 section B.1 OTHER RESTRICTIONS

All Public and Private In-Person Gatherings
All public and private in-person gatherings of more than 25 individuals are prohibited. The presence of more than 25 individuals performing functions of their employment or assembled in an educational instructional setting is not a “gathering.” A “gathering” includes, but is not limited to, parties, celebrations, or other social events, whether they occur indoors or outdoors.

Public Service Announcement

This is Open to the Public!!!!!
Are you a City of Norfolk renter or homeowner behind on your rent or mortgage and/or utility bills due to a COVID-19 pandemic related loss of income?
Apply for COVID-19 Housing Costs Relief Program by Wed. Nov. 25th 8 pm. at
Applicants must have filed a 2019 Federal Tax Return and must have loss income due to COVID-19 since March 12, 2020.
Up to 6 months of rent mortgage or utility payments, and housing/rental counseling on how to keep your residence.
If you have questions call 757-314-1638 (Ms. Parker)

via Sister Wanda Griffin

Team Berea

Team Berea

The body of Christ is comprised of people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is the Church that Jesus spoke of to Peter and the other disciples (Matt. 16:18) The church body is a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place. An assembly of people with defined singular purpose which is continue carrying out the “The Great Commission” (Matt. 28:18-20).

At these challenging times, we at New Berean are being asked to re-examine our approach to ministering to one another. We are not being asked to change the message of ministering to one another but consider evaluating and changing how we share that message.

Having All Things In Common

By default we all are members Team Berea. Every member of New Berean is in a unique position to be properly placed in the assembly to serve in the ministry. Team Berea the ministry of every person ministering to someone else. Having all things common (Acts 4:32) is a goal of the Lord for his children. It is identifying both the commonality and contrasts we share and do those things necessary to effectively minister to one another as the body was originally designed (Rom. 12:1-5, I Cor. 12:11-13). In operating in our various roles, utilizing the gifts given by the Holy Spirit and serving with a divine purpose in mind we are able to meet the needs of everyone and mature together as the Lord planned.

Team Sharing

Team Berea, working together will help us know how much we really do have in common, exhorting one another and glorifying the Lord. With the new challenges in front of us, we are collaborating our gifts and talents to minister and use the creativity God has blessed us for the purpose of edifying the body as a whole (Eph. 4:11-16).

For more information or to express your interest, reply back to the corresponding text message (757-280-4582) or contact Brother Steve Barnes (635-1911) and we’ll share more with you. Looking forward to hear from you.

Be An Encourager, Today

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.I Thess. 5:11

The Bible has declared we all who have been saved have been “saved unto good works” Eph. 2:10. The good works we goo are deigned and intended to ultimately glory God and build up someone else in their faith. There is no greater time than today to encourage someone. Be encouraged in being obedient in being an encourager

Encourage One Another by Pastor DeWayne Cason


Team Berea

Happy Thanksgiving

As we come upon our annual and traditional Thanksgiving festivities, let us be reminded of the many things we should be thankful for. The Lord our God has been so gracious to provide for us the only means of personal reconciliation with Him. We are indebted to him even if we never receive another thing, for we are in “the beloved” and have been declared righteous. We now have peace with God and the impending wrath which once rested on us has be removed. God has been so loving, he not only saved and redeemed us, but has eternally secured us in that love to the point that nothing can separate us from his love. He has placed us in a body of other believers of like-faith, now our sisters and brothers with whom we can can grow together, encourage and build up in our faith as children of the Most High God. He has called us into a holy calling whereby we are afforded the opportunity to represent His kingdom, testify of his goodness and introduce others to the same saving knowledge we have.

Thanksgiving has never been anymore appreciative than than now. In spite of all the disappointments, failures and heartaches we have experienced this year alone, God has chosen by his divine wisdom to love us as he does Israel, with an everlasting love. Let us be truly grateful this year and be kind to one another in the name of Jesus.

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! I Chronicles 16:34

We want you also to be reminded of the the heightened health and safety concerns that are added to this year’s festivities. The novel coronavirus commonly referred to as COVID19 has strained every aspect of our normal ways of fellowshipping and celebrating.

As a Church family we will not be corporately fellowshipping with Little Grove this year as our custom, but Pastor Richardson has plans to present a special Thanksgiving Day experience which we will share with the New Berean family. In addition, as you plan your own personal gatherings, make sure you factor in the necessary precautions as recommended by our medical community. Things are not as we once knew them and we advise you all to stay safe and keep your family safe.

The CDC recommends the most effective ways to reduce the risks of being infected or infecting others: Wear your masks, Maintain your distances from others, frequently wash or sanitize your hands and seek medical attention or stay home if you are ill.

Once again, it is imperative we use and exercise godly wisdom to govern our lives to the glory of God. We have only been given these one vessels and we want to take care of the as best we can in honor of the One who died for us. If there are any special needs or concerns, we do want you to share them through your respective Deacons.

Remember, Let’s Stay Connect, Stay Safe

31st Victory Celebration Anniversary Service

Date: Sunday September 27th, 9:30 am

For 31 years, New Berean has been blessed to serve in the Gospel ministry. Under the leadership of our beloved Founder and former Pastor, Leroy E. Ricks, Sr, New Berean has been taught, trained and discipled to be the people of God founded and rooted us in the discipline of “searching the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11) . It is our tradition that we set aside this special moment for our Victory Celebration 2020 to give thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to look back on the experiences of his favor. It is also a time to look and reach forward for those things which are ahead.

This year’s recognitions will obviously be different without Pastor Ricks, but will still be a blessed time of honoring and giving glory to the Lord for the great things he has done through this ministry and the great things He is going to do in the coming years. As we prepare ourselves for the coming year, Philippians 3:13 reminds us of our need to “reach forward to that things which are ahead”.

This year’s guest speaker is the Rev. Kenneth W. Ricks of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church

God Will Provide” Video Format

Our guest speaker will be Rev. Kenneth W. Ricks, pictured with Pastor and Sister Vanessa and his wife Cheryl where he spoke at our Couple’s Banquet in 2007

COVID Guidelines Observed at all public services include

  • Body temperature readings prior to entry (<100 F)
  • Facial mask coverings for everyone at all times while inside the building
  • Practicing safe personal distancing (social distancing) of six feet as minimum
  • Open communication regarding any health concerns are important for the safety of everyone attending these gatherings.
  • Seating may be restricted due to these safe health measures
Recognition Service 2020

Upcoming Events At New Berean

Special COVID Health Information

Sunday Morning Prayer, Praise & Preaching Service

Morning Corporate Prayer – 9:00 am, Join our Prayer Warriors as we come together for a time of prayer and meditation seeking the Lord’s counsel, direction and wisdom over our lives.

Praise & Preaching Service – 9:30 am – God had commanded we come together to corporately worship Him, edify one another and be trained in the teachings from his word. Although there are extenuating circumstances, we are not to become complacent but rather seek to minister and be ministered. If you are not able to meet in-person, follow us online with Pulpit Points on our Inspiration page for inspiring and encouraging messages from our archives

Sunday Devotional

Lessons designed to give you a regular weekly opportunity to study lessons that we use for our Sunday Devotions here at New BereanJoin us each week as we “Learn More, Grow More, Be More” in Christ

Mid-Week Wednesday

Study online with Associate Pastor Cason. Current lesson series Marching Through the Gospel of Mark “ . Review past and upcoming lesson sessions which can be accessed anytime after 12 noon on Wednesdays.

Pulpit Point Preaching Series

Each Sunday, we will feature an audio edition of the pulpit preaching ministry of New Berean Founder Leroy E. Ricks, Sr, Associate Pastors Dr. Lamont E. Ricks and DeWayne Cason. Messages will be shared online every Sunday beginning at 10:00 am.

nbbcMinistry.comCommitted to The Commission of Christ”

COVID Update Information

This page was developed to provide you with information pertinent to your feedback concerns and questions.

What is COVID, how it spreads and how it is contained.

Due to the challenging times we find ourselves, God has called us not to just to social distance ourselves but to socially evangelize the world with the gospel Jesus Christ our Lord.

Although certain practices have changed, being about our Father’s business has not. We too are to be considerate in our efforts and remain faithful. The spirit God has given us in not one of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Yes, fear is a factor but it is dispelled by the deliberate faith obedience to the command and Commission of our Lord.

We have a moral and spiritual obligation to the Lord and to one another. Knowing the terror of the Lord and his wrath (I Cor. 5;11) we are encouraged to be mindful of the souls of the people we socially evangelize. Fear can and will lock us up, prevent us from being about our Father’s business. But the Spirit who live is us provides us with:

  • Power – which is the authority of God (Acts 1:8, Matt. 28:18-20), our commission and mandate. This is spiritual license given to share the gospel.
  • Love – is our motivation. Knowing God’s love is his motivation for reaching out to us (John 3:16, Rom. 5:8) it is the exact same reason we reach out to others. True, there is God’s righteous wrath attached to the unbeliever’s rejection of his good news but it is our love for them and their eternal destiny.
  • Sound Mind – requires us to spiritually wise to minister and evangelical in our efforts. We are to be smart-minded by educating ourselves with authenticated information afforded from our community and medical experts to share with our families and friends.

Be encouraged, he has promised to be with us even to the end of the world.

Servants of Christ – Entrusted With the Past


31 years ago, under the leadership of Leroy E. Ricks, Sr. New Berean Baptist Church was founded. As noted on our website, New Berean Baptist Church was established as a New Testament church on the clear teaching, preaching and practical application of the Word of God. Pastor Ricks’ desire was be used by the Lord to help people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and grow into the role and purpose He has set for them within the body. In the wake of Pastor Ricks passing, as we think of our 31st Anniversary we must continue to seek God’s favor and grace in this work and embrace our call as servants of Christ, entrusted with sharing the knowledge of the past heritage regarding the mysteries of God.

In a letter to the Church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul wrote to a church that was divided. Members were favoring one minister over another.  Paul reminded them that God’s ministers were Servants of Christ, not philosophers who were entrusted with the mysteries of God revealed in the authoritative Word of God.

Our challenge then, is to understand that we as servants not only owe an appreciation of the past sacrifices of those who founded this church, but we also owe to the past our faithfulness to the heritage which has been handed down to us. We are obligated to respect the doctrines of sound Christian teaching which were given to us, but also to guard it and believe it, refusing to compromise the Word of God. We owe it to those who started this church to declare that we still believe the same things they believed.

Memorial Service

The CrossWalk Youth ministry thanks each and everyone of you who prayed, encouraged, attended and supported them on Saturday for the special memorial for our beloved Founder and former Pastor Leroy E. Rick’s Sr.

As a tribute below are some of the images captured for a future memory.

Images taken today