
The BereanWay Sunday

Join us and invite a friend

Join us for Sunday Morning Prayer
School-aged youth, we have a safe place for you to learn the word of God, have fun and meet other youth here at church
Adults, Sunday School LIVE is for you. It’s live, interactive and exciting.

Later next month

Married Couples of New Berean, sign up and have a loving good time at our Couple’s Retreat

STRIVING Towards Christ

Click here

STRIVING with Christ often bring opposition. When we choose to follow after the things of Christ, there with things, people (even ourselves) and past experiences that will crop up on us in an attempt make the press towards Christ even more difficult. Pastor helps explains the reality of this challenge

The Full-Length message, click here

All Members of New Berean are asked to participate in the Official Budget Business Meeting for 2025. It is a blessed opportunity to all of our members to learn, know and understand the plans and business expectations for our ministry as we S.T.R.I.V.E. (Together) in 2025.

Meeting: This Saturday, January 18th, at 9:00 am. Agenda: review 2024 budget, present 2025proposed budget, and vote.

This Week at The BereanWay

Discipleship Training Tuesdays 7:00 pm (In-Person)
Wednesday Noonday Prayer and Bible Study 12 Noon (In-Person)
Women’s Midweek Prayer & Bible Study Wednesday 7 pm (Virtual via ZOOM)
Men’s Half Hour Power of Prayer Wednesday 7 pm (virtual via ZOOM)

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025 Together

Visitor & Guests
Living out our CORE Values here at New Berean

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025, with New Berean as we seek to glorify the Lord through our service in:

S. Sound Teaching and Doctrine

T. Teaching Others this Sound Doctrine

R. Reaching Out to Other with Compassion

I. Intercede for Others through Prayer

V. Value and Consider Others

E. Evangelize with the Good News, the Gospel

The BereanWay Sunday 10:00 am (in-person), 10:30 am Livestream on YouTube

The BereanWay Sunday in the pulpit preaching ministry of Pastor Tony Harris. Join us every Sunday as he declares the truth and the life changing precepts of God word.

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025 is the core focus to give Sound Doctrine, to Teach and Train Other to Serve, Reaching Out to Others with compassion, Intercede for Other in Prayer, Value others with grace and Evangelize others with the Gospel of Christ.

Sunday Morning Prayer – Every Sunday, the Prayer Warriors of New Berean, join and meet together as we seek the Lord for his divine instructions and insight.

Adults, join us for Sunday School LIVE! every Sunday at 9:00 am
Sunday School


Click for other opportunities of fellowship, service and worship


S – Sound Doctrine (Tit. 2:8)

T – Teach Others (II Timothy 2:1-2)

R – Reach Out to Others (Philippians 2:4)

I – Intercede for Others (Colossians 1:9)

V – Value Others (I Peter 2:17)

E – Evangelize (II Timothy 4:5)

To STRIVE is to make a concerted, defined and deliberate effort to do a thing or task. God has called us to STRIVE in 2025 as we see the Day of the Lord approaching. Together we can and will STRIVE for the Mastery of those things that please the Lord

Join us Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm for a time Discipleship Training as we search and study the scriptures as Jesus taught his disciples (in-person)

Each Wednesday, meet and fellowship with us (in-person) for our Noon Day Prayer and Bible Study session

Wednesday evenings we offer our “virtual” Men’s and Ladies Prayer and Bible Study via ZOOM. Our Ladies meet and encourage other ladies of like-faith, and our men meet for the Half-Hour Power of Prayer

Coming Up

Men and young men alike, join our Men’s Ministry us for a POP-UP Matinee, this Sunday Jan 12th at 6:00 pm. The featured showing of “The Forge” is free. Soft drinks, popcorn and snacks are included in the free admission. See you Sunday afternoon

Married couples of New Berean, join other married couples as we celebrate and honor the institution God honors called marriage. Please RSVP by Jan 29th if you plan to attend. Again, this event is for married couples of New Berean Baptist Church.

The BereanWay Sunday is our library of messages from the pulpit preaching ministry of Pastor Tony. This past Sunday’s message S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025 was recorded live in the auditorium of New Berean Baptist Church.

You can listen for the first time or listen again to these challenging and encouraging messages from our Lead Pastor Antonio B. Harris.

Click on the image for more

Blessed New Year

Welcome to a new year here at New Berean Baptist Church. As a reminder, we have a new format for our Sunday morning line. You are encouraged to join in and STRIVE with God in 2025

  • Morning Prayer – 8:30 am
  • Sunday School LIVE (Adults) 9:00 am
  • SSS LIVE (Students) – 9:00 am
  • Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00 am

Sunday School LIVE! Begins tomorrow morning at 9:00 am. We are excited to bring to you an opportunity to Live In Victory Everyday, through our Sunday morning Sunday School adult class sessions. Interactive and exciting as we “S.T.R.I.V.E, with God in 2025″

Students of New Berea, join in our Sunday School Students LIVE this Sunday beginning at 9:00 am for all school-aged students

Coming in February

S.T.R.I.V.E in 2025

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025

To “strive” is to make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. To deliberately put forth something extra. Paul, the Apostle wrote about pressing towards the goal of Christ (Phil. 3:14). He knew living the life of Christ was going to be met with a variety of challenges calling for an extra effort.

  • S – Sound Teaching
  • T – Train to Lead
  • R – Reaching Out
  • I – Intercede for Others
  • V – Value Others
  • E – Evangelize
  • And every man who strives for mastery is temperate in all things…I Cor. 9:25a

The goal of being like Christ is the life of a servant with a mindset of humility and disciple (Heb. 5:8). It is a life in 2025 that God would have each one of us. Let us strive in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit to glorify our Lord God, as our Savior lived

Together we are going to STRIVE in 2025 beginning this Sunday with Sunday School LIVE! Join us as we prepare, train and educate one another to make the extra effort to grow in our faith, it’s The BereanWay

Sunday School LIVE !, our adult Sunday School class session begins this Sunday, January 5th at 9:00 am
Sunday School Students LIVE! provides a exciting and interactive learning and teaching platform for our school aged youths to give them the tools they will need to be the next generations of Daniels, Shadrachs and Meshachs of our day.

Check out our YouTube channel
Relive our Watch Night service message by Pastor Tony, “Hope on the Other Side”


With God, nothing is Impossible” Matthew 19:26

God lead and delivered Israel from bondage to freedom (Ex. 14). He delivered them from their oppressors (Ex. 6:13). And He delivered the from all their enemies (Jdg. 8:34). What they thought was an impossible task, was only in the realm of possibilities of n omnipotent God. The same God in whom Abraham, Noah, David and Paul trusted, is the same God in whom we will trust and believe in for the impossible.

The BereanWay is to “Believe God for the Impossible“, to “Adventure with God“, to “Evangelize with the Gospel”, and more. It is the vision we share here at New Berean, to grow, live move and have our being. It is where we are because it is where God is leading us. Let us share God’s vision with you and your family as we venture into the abundant life in 2025.

Join us in fellowship for our annual Watch Night Worship service. Celebrating and reflecting on the majestic hand of power and grace of God throughout 2024. And as we are anticipating His to lead, guide, provide and feed us, let us be found faithful in our devotion, service walk with him.

Van services will be provided if requested.

Sunday School LIVE & Sunday School Students LIVE will commence this Sunday and will continue throughout the new year. Sunday School LIVE is a planned series of lessons in line with The BereanWay to “Educate and Equip the Saints for Ministry“. Adults and Students alike will experience and exciting presentation of the word of God that will enable, equip and supply us with the tools we need to both growth in our faith in Christ and share our faith to a world in desperate need of the Savior.

New to the area, looking for a local New Testament assembly to fellowship, grow and serve? Consider New Berean Baptist church and start here at our Guest Connect Portal. We are excited and looking for to connect with you and your family

Adventuring With God …

to be continued

The BereanWay at New Berean Baptist Church

2024 has offered us a number of opportunities to grow in our faith in Christ, encourage others in their faith and glorify God’s eternal love and grace toward us through his son Jesus. We have ventured with him, walked with him and trusted him.

As we close out 2024, we are encouraged by the word of God to edify (build up) one another in love. (Heb. 10:24-25) as the days and times in which live are increasingly evil. As we see the day of the Lord approaching, let us not find reason to stay away from the fellowship, and look at every opportunity to gather, share and serve.

Join us this New Years Eve as we gather, fellowship and share with one another the great things God has done to us and through us to his glory.

If you would, use this link to share with us how the Lord has showed up in your life through The BereanWay ministry in 2024. Some of your testimonies may be shared at our watchnight service.

Sunday School LIVE!

Sunday School LIVE! Beginning January 2025, The BereanWay will open up our in-person Sunday School LIVE class sessions for all adults and children. Sunday School Live (Living In Victory Everyday) will feature a series of lesson session designed to help live our Christian life in victory consistently every day. Join us beginning Jan. 5th at 9:00 am and let’s get live in Sunday School!
SSS LIVE! Training up and teaching our school aged youths the word of God. Our Sunday School Students Live will feature live, exciting and an interactive approached to our children of today. Our children are not like they used to be and neither is Sunday school. So, bring out your children, grandchildren, your neighbor’s children and let us show then the way of Christ. Classes begin Jan 5th at 9:00 am

Looking for continued opportunities of growth, fellowship and service in your life? Consider joining one of our Mid-Week Discipleship or Prayer & Bible Study session. We have both In-person sessions and online virtual small group sessions.

In-person Discipleship Training through the Acts of the Apostles and Paul’s letters to the early churches. Tuesdays, here on campus at 7:00 pm
Because we need fellowship, prayer and practical bible teaching, join our in-person prayer and Bible Study small groups, Wednesdays at noon.
Women, you are invited to join this small group session for a time of prayer and bible teaching centered around God speaking from his word to women. Our ladies meet every Wed. @ 7:00 pm. via ZOOM
MGM, Men of Grace Ministry, share in this Half-Hour Power of Prayer. Helping our men know and understand our role as we grow into the godly men God desires for us. Meeting virtually via ZOOM on Wed. at 7:00 pm

… and More

For our guests and visitors, plan you experience at New Berean by checking some things you may want to know and what you can expect when you get here. Check our sermon archive on our YouTube/nbbcministry1 page and we’ll see you Sunday.

Missed a message? Click on the link, follow and subscribe to our YouTube channel and explore our archives. Listen or listen again at your leisure and even share with your family and friends the messages from the pulpit preaching ministry of Pastor Tony Harris.

The BereanWay at New Berean

Merry Christ-mas

Christmas is merry. Christmas is a time to rejoice, celebrate and be glad. It is the fulfillment of a divine promise of God to provide a mean to redeem his fallen creation back to himself. Mankind needed and still needs a Savior and the Lord in his infinite wisdom, love and grace, offered and offers his only begotten son. It has never been about a particular day in December (which our American culture acknowledges) as some would believe. But the word of God recognizes a particular date (Luke 2:11), in which the fullness of time had come (Gal. 4:4) to bring forth and manifest the promise of his word. To everyone who believes this truth, God gives them the authority to become his children (John 1:12-13). The merry receptional response from every believer, is in the abundance of life that accompanies Christ.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:1-14

We are excited and hope you are too as we have witnessed some miraculous things of the Lord this past year. We have seen God’s hand in leading us through the strategic planning process and the changes in our lives, families and circumstances. We have seen the Lord open our eyes of understanding to his word and how are learning how to live daily and more consistently in victory.

Adventuring with God and Believing in Him for the Impossible

Join us at this year’s end Watch Night Worship Service. We are going to sing in the New Year with songs of praise, encourage one another with fellowship and hear a challenging and blessed message from the word of God to close out this year and anticipate the new year’s plan in Christ.

Sunday School – Living in Victory Everyday! January 2025

Sunday School LIVE – Beginning the first Sunday in January, we will restart our Sunday School adult class sessions. Each month we will engage is series of topics to encourage, strengthen and challenge you in your walk with Christ. It’s going to LIVE (Living in Victory Everyday) and we will begin again walking in the newness of life we now have in Christ.

The BereanWay Sunday with Pastor Tony on YouTube

The BereanWay SUNDAY with Pastor Tony is a collection of recorded messages preached from the pulpit of New Berean Baptist Church. Be challenged and encouraged in your relationship with the Lord as you listen again or for the first time to his sound biblical teaching spanning over the years. Last Sunday’s message “The Journey of the Wise Men” from Matthew 2:1-12

Visit The BereanWay

Scan the QR Code to our Guest Connect Portal. Share with you family and friends and invite someone