
Everlasting Love

Loved With An Everlasting Love

There are many emotions we’re experiencing. We know people who are struggling from day to day with so many unknowns but God wants us to know beyond the shadow of doubt, we are loved personally with an everlasting love.

While in exile, bondage and enslavement under the strong hand of various captives, Israel experienced a full spectrum of emotion. From loneliness, to abandonment, to despair to everything else in between. God’s people were at a lost or perceived there were lost. Even though to some degree, they were in the position because of their own disobedience and rebellion, they were still loved. Jer. 31:2-4 reminds us that the Lord our God loves his people beyond they could ever imagine.

Feelings are not always indicative of truth. Our feelings will override and overwhelm at time (if allowed) but we have the assurance that no matter where we are or what state we find ourselves, we are to rest in the unshakable reality of God’s love for us. Storms will come, the bellows may rise and pandemics season will hover, but :

If you or someone you know has recently experienced overwhelming feelings, encourage yourself (as David did) and them in the reality of the everlasting love you are loved.


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Pulpit Points – Pray As Jabez Prayed

Good morning, we would like to thank you for joining us for another edition of Pulpit Points. Please continue to pray for one another and that we can be a greater blessing to each other. In our time of “social distancing” we are encouraging you to be considerate of those who are less fortunate, those who have lost loved ones due to this COVID-19 virus and those who are unsure where their next paycheck or meal is coming from. Pray for those who are expected to care for those are ill, in nursing homes and incarcerated. Those who keep the store shelves stocked with the supplies we need. Ask the Lord to not only guide and give wisdom to our civic leaders and medical experts but that they would listen and be open to obey His wisdom. May our tongues not be as open to criticize as they are to extend prayers. Again, thank you for your diligence in your support both in service and your financial giving to New Berean. Please be safe, take care of yourself and your family as we are stay focused of God’s desire and will for your life. Be thankful.

And now another message from Pulpit Points with Pastor Leroy Ricks, Sr…

Pray As Jabez Prayed – God cares more for us than we can ever imagine. He reminds us that, faith is what pleases Him (Heb. 11:6). He reminds us in His word, that our thoughts do not measure up to His (Isa. 55:8-9) and that we must not be double-minded (Jam 1:5-8)

In today’s message, Pastor Ricks shared with the congregation a message entitled, “Pray Like Jabez Prayed”. In the prayer Jabez offered to the Lord his God (1 Chronicles 4:9-10), he left for us a model of things we can specifically petition the Lord for things in our own life. Jabez prayed:

  • Bless Me Lord – Knowing the Lord as we do, we know He is in the business of blessing his children. We ought to all be in line to talk to our heavenly Father to make our requests of blessings to him.
  • Enlarge My Territory – Specifically, what are we looking for from our Father? He wants us to come to his holy throne in confidence (I John 5:14). We can go to him and lay out exactly the concerns and issues weighing heavy on our heart.
  • That Your Hand Lord, Would Be With Me
  • God, Keep Me From Evil, That I May Not Cause Pain

God’s desire for us is to know we can trust Him and he cares for us. Be encouraged that just as Jabez prayed, we can go to our Lord in faith and boldly ask for grace to help in our time of need (Heb. 4:14-16)

Pray As Jabez Prayed – Leroy E. Ricks Sr

Mid-Week Bible Study

The Assurance of Answered Prayer

With our world so unstable, what assurances do we have? In a continuation of of our Mid-Week Bible Study series, “Lessons of Growing Up In Christ“, Part II focuses in on the “Assurance of Answered Prayer.

From the scripture text I John 5:14, 15, Pastor Cason will address these questions as a means to help us in our prayer life:

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. I John 5:14, 15

  • What is prayer?
  • Who’s name should you pray?
  • What does it mean to pray in accordance with His will?
  • What are some hinderances to answered prayer?
  • What is the wrong response to difficult circumstances?
  • Who does God listen to?
  • And what results do we get from prayer

Stay Focused – We Have Hope

The world is desperately looking for some resolution, some end to the world-wide demise we find ourselves in. There is almost no State in the union that has not been directly impacted by the virus that has spread across our country. We seem in some communities have struggled trying to make heads or tails about what is happening and more so, is this coming to my house. We just don’t know.

We Have A God of Hope

The church pews may be empty but our hope is full. there will come a time when the Lord will open up again. There church doors will have greeters and ushers standing there with big smiles, welcomes and programs of the things that you may experience once you come in. But until then we have been placed where we are and where we are is where we are to grow and bloom. Jesus told the woman he met at the well that worship, service and a practical display of Christ has never been limited or restricted to the church building (John 4:22-24). Her thinking of worship at the time was limited to a particular place. But as the Lord can only speak truth, he set her free with his words. He shared with her that worship is a personal expression that ought to be expressed before the presence of the omnipresence of the Almighty God wherever we may find ourselves not just in a facility.

God tells us in Psalm 31:24 we can and ought to be encouraged by the truth of his word. Regardless of our present condition, our God gives us hope in his word which speak of his inability to lie (Titus 1:2). The hope we have will strengthen our heart. So as we face the world today and tomorrow, we can experience it power, love and and with a sound mind. We Have Hope.

Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:24

Stay Focused – Be Encouraged

Years ago, Pastor Ricks was preaching a message to the congregation assembled at one of the Sunday morning services. In his message, he used the phrase “stay focused”. His intent was to first address the reality that at times our focus can be clouded or distorted based upon immediate situations and circumstances. And secondly, he wanted to redirect our spiritual eyes to the source of our hope and deliverance. Too much of our time is caught up into these things can weaken our faith. As the people of God, we represent a glorious and godly Kingdom.

Israel experienced something similar when the Philistines sought to overcome and takeover (I Samuel 17) them. The Philistines and their champion warrior, Goliath challenged the army of the Lord and a short standoff ensued. The Philistines on one mountain, the Israelites on another and a valley between them. While intimidation and conquer was in the minds of the enemy, fear and doubt gripped the people of God. Their focused was distorted by the size and the immediate threat of the opposing armies.

Our situations may be as real as they are, but we are never to forget but ever be reminded of the God we serve is able to settle our hearts and refocus of faith. As intimating as they are, God is and will always the mighty God who rules, reigns delivers and defends his people – his name sake. True, we are not able to save ourselves or others from every situation, but Eph. 3:20 reminds us God is able. David was told by soldiers in the Lord’s army that he was not skilled enough to challenge the nine-foot warrior of warriors of the mighty Philistine army. They had lost their focus. These were God’s people who had succumbed to the threat before them and lost focus of who they represented. But David had these words for them and these words speak a timeless truth to us today.

"Moreover David said, “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.I Samuel 17:37

David demonstrated a level of peace, confidence and authority over the enemy of God. It was not as personal as we may consider but it became personal when God’s name was profaned and people threatened. Regardless of the threat, we are always encouraged that nothing is above the power of our God.

Daily seek the Lord our God to be refocused by the authority we live in which offers us the spirit of power, love and a sound mind (II Tim. 1:7). The Lord will settle us and give us peace that surpasses all human comprehension.

Sunday Devotional – The Kingdom of the Messiah

April 19th – Psalm 2:1-12

Until the King of King reigns forever, there will be other Kings and other kingdoms. Some will be mightier than others. But out of all that will be, the Lord God holds there existence. And all but one will be set down. That one being the Kingdom of his dear Son, Jesus.

The Kingdom of the Messiah

In this week’s lesson, the Psalmist writes about the everlasting kingdom of the coming Messiah. The Psalm opens with a question, why. Why what? Because, by nature, men/mankind think more of themselves than they ought, it is understandable why they rage. Fame, fortune and power are never enough to satisfy the cravings of a sinful heart. Apart from the grace and judgement of God, these cravings will always lead to destruction. In time, men will seek and devise ways to subdue and control other kingdoms for their own selfish purposes. They even will seek to overthrow the One who reigns supreme (v2). It is inconceivable to believe one  would seriously challenge God, but the depravity and wickedness of an unrepentant heart will.

Study with us this week as we explore how the Lord will set the record straight and bring into place in time his only begotten son (Read Psalm 110).

Next Week’s Lesson – The Solid Rock (Psalm 118)

Stay Focused – Built On Truth

It has been said that perception is truth. And to some, this is a truth. But what if that perception is built upon a lie, does it still make it truth?

The Lord God of Israel used the Prophet to help encourage his people by being his servant, a messenger of truth. From his vantage point he was permitted to pen some of the most important messages of any of the prophets. Though being burdened with having to hear God’s word firsthand and sharing it to God’s people, Isaiah’s theme was one of deafening – My Hope is Built on Truth!

In spite of all their demise, rebellion, degrees of bondage and illness, Isaiah’s words were words of encouragement through truth. Perception not founded on truth, as persuasive and compelling as it can be, is bondage and deception at its highest level. There is no freedom in lie (John 8:34). Paul the apostle accepted the reality that one’s physical body may be enslaved to the ills of this world, but the truth cannot restrained (II Tim. 2:9).

Perception is nothing more than deception when is is NOT founded or rooted in truth. Let our hope and reality reality and life be built on truth of God’s holy word and be freed of the lies our circumstances that can govern and control our lives.

“You are My witnesses,” says the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen,
That you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am He.
Before Me there was no God formed,
Nor shall there be after Me.
I, even I, am the Lord,
Isa. 43:10, 11

Mid-Week Bible Study

Growing Up In Christ

Good evening. Today is the first run for our Mid-Week Bible study, audio edition. Tonight, Pastor Cason is starting “Lessons On Growing up in Christ” (clink link)

Lessons on Growing Up in Christ is defined to help the seasoned believer and the new babe understand the essentials and fundamentals needed to reinforce their faith in the Lord. Tonight he begins with Growing By Knowing You’ve Saved. Using I John 5:11,12 Pastor Cason shares the basic elements of knowing our salvation.

Study along with us and Pastor Canson tonight in “Lessons on Growing in Christ”.

  • And This Is The Testimony
  • God Has Given Us Eternal Life
  • This Life is In His Son
  • Those Who Do Not Have Life