God has given us a blessed opportunity to glorify Him, encourage one another and receive our serving instructions (not marching orders). each and every time we meet, we are blessed and bless others. Sundays are our time of the week to share the great things God has done and is doing in our lives.
We’ll see you the excellent one of the Lord tomorrow. “As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” Psalm 16:3
Click the image and check out our church calendar to stay connected with opportunities of service, fellowship and growth.
The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist Church with Pastor Tony on YouTube
Tuesdays, at 7:00 pm, Discipleship Training through Acts of the Apostles. Continuing in chapter 15, Pastor Tony takes us on the journey of the Gospel spreading throughout Macedonia and the rest of the Gentile world
Wednesdays at 12 Noon, Noonday Bible Study and Prayer
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:00 pm, Men’s and Women’s Small Group Bible Study and Prayer Virtual via ZOOM
3rd and 4th Saturdays Marketplace Evangelism team 11-12:00 noon, as we take the time to reach the masses, one person at a time with the Gospel of Jesus and an invite to fellowship here at New Berean
Friday, Oct, 11, 9:00 am, S.A.L.T. Peanut Festival. Senior Saints traveling out for a day out to the 46th Annual Suffolk Peanut Festival. Van seating is limited
Thursday, October 17, 7:00 pm, Harvest Fest 2025 planning meeting via ZOOM, Sis June Jones and Dea, Lawhorn are your POC (Point of Contact) for additional information
Sunday, October, Church Member Quarterly Business meeting, immediately following the morning worship service.
Thursday, Oct 31, 6:30-8:00 pm, Hallelujah Nite and Trunk-O-Treat, Help us and join in with your vehicle trunks and evangelize all who come out
For additional information, check out the event calendar. Click the image below to or nbbcministry.com/events/
Sundays were made for gathering, fellowship, sharing, the preaching of God’s word, serving, being served, connecting, reconnecting and so much more in faithful obedience to our Lord (Heb. 10:24-25).
If you are in the 757 this weekend, consider joining us this Sunday:
9:30 am – Morning Prayer
10:00 am – Morning Worship and Preaching
10:15 am – Student Ministry
Honor the Lord and celebrate his gift to the Church (Eph. 4:11-16) by holding your Pastor in high esteem
Here are some captured images from the Victory Celebration
Coming Up…
Discipleship Training – The Bible states of the disciples who chose to follow and obey Jesus’ command to share his message, “departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.” Acts 5:41. Some of us may say that witnessing or doing the work of an evangelist is not their calling but it really is the calling for every one of us (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8).
You are encouraged to join in and be a part of this dynamic and exiting experience happening every Tuesday night with Pastor Tony as he teaches and provides us with the tools to educate and equip us for ministry work and evangelizing with the gospel.
… New Berean encourages you as believers to live faith and adventure with God through the assembly with other believers. God’s desire is that we constantly, consistently and frequently meet, fellowship, commune and worship (Acts 4:32-34). Consider connecting up with other believers of like-faith this Sunday.
Come out and bring a senior to our “Fall Prevention” talk as sponsor by the Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) along with the Senior Adults Living Triumphantly (S.A.L.T.), Items of discussion include exercises, medicines, preventions, medical conditions and symptoms and more.
Coming Next Month
Join in with the Berean Student ministry Oct. 1st for the annual National Night Out. NNO is an opportunity in Portsmouth for the Community to connect with the local law enforcement force, connecting and establishing partnership. Keeping in context with I Timothy 2:1-6, let us join and welcome all who come
The SALT, ministry is adventuring with God to the 46th Annual Suffolk Peanut Fest, October 11th. Seniors, they will be leaving out at 9:00 am for a day at the fest. Seating on the van is limited, so contact Sis Boone soon.
Sunday’s coming and we’re expecting a great time in fellowship, worship and in the preaching of God’s word. The writer of Psalms 122:1, stated he was glad when they said, let us go into the house of the Lord. Sundays are a great time to reflect, edify, encourage and exhort one another as we see the Day of the Lord approaching (Heb. 10:24-25). Let’s invite and bring a friend. See you in the morning.
Guest Connect
To our guests, family and friends clink on the Guest Connect link for additional information to help plan your visit
with you and your family tomorrow. God wants us to live in fellowship with those of like-faith and obedience to edify, build up and encourage one another daily (Heb. 10:24-25, Heb. 13:17 & Acts 4:32-37). It is a blessing to Adventure with God and to do so with the people of God. See you Sunday.
Visitor Guest Connect
Pass this Guest Connect QR code to your family and friends and find out what they can expect before they visit us.
Welcoming all who come, It’s the BereanWay
Coming up soon at New Berean (click on the image) for additional information
Pastor Tony encourages you to join him this week as he continues his Discipleship Training series through the Acts of the Apostles and the army church. As we “Adventure with God” through this study, we will see how the early church was established, was developed and dispersed with the instructions and presence of God.
Health Awareness Month
September is Health Awareness Month and the H.E.M. (Health Education Ministry) reminds us all to read the information and be aware of the things we can and should do to keep our body in tip-top shape to do and be about our Father’s business. (Click on the image for more information)
Opportunities of Fellowship and Growth
Every Wednesday, we invite you to join us for our Noonday Prayer and Bible Study (in-person) and our Men’s and Women’s virtual small group study session via ZOOM.
Consider joining us this week for an experience of fellowship, sharing and service
Our 35th Victory Celebration Anniversary this year will be September 29th with a Family & Friends Day Service and Cookout. Our Lord has blessed us to allow us to serve Him, his people and our community since 1989. You are invited to invited to join us on this special occasion.
Join us every Wednesday at Noon for a time of prayer, encouragement and study in word of God
The H.E.M. (Health Education Ministry) along with S.A.L.T (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) is hosting a “Fall Prevention” event for anyone concerned about falls for them and their older family members. Check out our Event Calendar, or contact Sis Nicole Donaldson for additional information
Our Discipleship Training
Join Pastor Tony as he shares with us the exciting and adventurous experiences of the disciples and early church who laid down the blueprint on how we ought to be sharing the gospel with the world we live. See you at our next in-person this Tuesday evening.
Our Wednesday virtual Mid-Week Small Group sessions are for men and women to be challenged, encouraged and spiritually feed with the teaching of the precious word of God
Virtual Bible Study via ZOOM every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Check out our Event Calendar for other important and exciting events and opportunities of fellowship and growth