
Thank You!

The Lord our God used the Founders of this great Country to establish a Military force designed and intended to protect and defend its people and interest at home and abroad. Over the past 248 years, the United States of America has deployed, dispatched and ordered hundreds of thousands of men and women into service in the various areas of our military forces.

Today we offer our heart-felt prayers, support and extension of gratitude to every one of you for your honorable, faithful and dedicated service to the people of our Nation. We pray for God to give you direction, wisdom and hope in the midst of your work and labor as you have risked your life for the lives of so many.

May God’s grace be your sufficiency for all your needs and the needs of your families. May we from this day forward, as a country provide you with due respect, honor and appreciation equal to your efforts, individually and collectively

From our New Berean Family to yours in Christ Jesus our Lord

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” I Timothy 2:1-4

Anthony Edwards
Air Force
Antonio Harris
Samantha Harris
Cynthia James
Air Force
Anthony Lawhorn

Keith Lewis
Coast Guard
Danny Nixon
The Parhams – Kiara (Navy), Dante (Army), Tanya & Vincent (Air Force) and Zaiden (Navy)
Vanessa Sampson
Donald Thomas
Coast Guard
Immanuel Watkins
Terell Moses

The BereanWay – Harvest is Upon Us

The fall is a time to harvest and reap what you’ve sown. God has set up the seasons to change so we might experience and appreciate his wisdom as displayed in the coordination of colors, complimentary weather changes and times of sowing and reaping.

We are grateful to be included in God’s great harvest work of salvation as extended towards us and to others. So, let us be about our Father’s business and take this time to share with those around us the good news of God’s eternal love, grace and hope in the person of his only beloved and begotten son, Jesus Christ. Happy Thanksgiving 🍽️

Church Thanksgiving Family Dinner

Don’t forget our New Berean Thanksgiving Family Dinner this Sunday after the morning service. For those bringing side, desserts etc., please bring them early so they can be prepared to serve.

Mid-Week Growth

The scriptures have concluded that , “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God…” Rom. 10:17.

You are encouraged to join us this week for a time of teaching, fellowship and service at one of our prayer and Bible study sessions:

This Week at New Berean

Tuesday Discipleship Training, Acts of the Apostles 7:00 pm

Wednesday Noonday Prayer and a Bible Study, 2:00 Noon

Wednesday Women’s Virtual Prayer and Bible via ZOOM, 7:00 pm

Wednesday Men’s Half-Hour Power of Prayer, via ZOOM, 7:00 pm

Pastor Tony, teaching form the book, The Acts of the Apostles

Other Opportunities to Grow Thereby

Upcoming Events here at The BereanWay
Marketplace Evangelism – Sharing Christ wherever we shop, every 3rd & 4th Saturday

The S.A.L.T. (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) ministry is looking for all 55 and older to come out, fellowship and experience the abundance of life in Christ with other seniors

It is November and the Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) would like for you to recognize:

Hallelujah Nite, It’s The BereanWay

Christ has called us to reach Up to him for wisdom and direction and Reach Out to serve our community. Every Oct 31st, The BereanWay at New Berean takes this opportunity to share with our local neighbors the awesome love of our Lor Jesus Christ.

Evangelizing with the Gospel – Adventuring with God – Reaching Up & Reaching Out


The BereanWay

October 2024

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Matt 9:37 Let us be about our Father’s business, The BereanWay and share Christ with someone today.
Every 3rd and 4th Sat, Marketplace Evangelism
Adventuring with God and Evangelizing with the Gospel, Bring out your car trunks, treats, faces and help the Student Ministry welcome our community to our Church for Hallelujah Nite

Also on EventBrite (share)

Prayer Warrior’s Connect – Let us pray with and for you. See the link at the bottom on this page

Consider these upcoming opportunities of fellowship, service and sharing (Acts 4:32-36). Living out The BereanWay is happening here at New Berean:

Get the latest health information from the H.E.M. (Health Education Ministry). October is

  1. Eye Injury Prevention Month
  2. Depression Education & Awareness Month
  3. National Literacy Month

and more. Stay informed and educated. Additional information is available on the HEM table in the Welcome Center

Join us for Thanksgiving Church Family Dinner here at New Berean.
Signup sheet will be in the Welcome Center

S.A.L.T. planned event November. Contact Sis. Boone for additional information
Stay connected on all the events and opportunities of fellowship and worship
Watch this past Sunday’s message The BereanWay Sunday by Pastor Tiny on our YouTube channel
For our guests and friends, you are invited to join and connect with us before and even after your next visit
Let us join you in prayer. Click the image and fill out the information you’d care to share in confidence

Sunday’s Coming – And We’re Glad About It

God has given us a blessed opportunity to glorify Him, encourage one another and receive our serving instructions (not marching orders). each and every time we meet, we are blessed and bless others. Sundays are our time of the week to share the great things God has done and is doing in our lives.

We’ll see you the excellent one of the Lord tomorrow. “As for the saints who are on the earth, “They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” Psalm 16:3

Join our Prayer Warriors as we gather before the Lord
Pastor Tony as he shares with us God’s instructions, words of comfort and direction for our life
We invite all school-aged children to our Berean Student ministry geared to lay a foundation of God’s word in their young life to build on for the rest of their adult life

Click the image and check out our church calendar to stay connected with opportunities of service, fellowship and growth.

The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist Church with Pastor Tony on YouTube

The BereanWay Sunday with Pastor Tony

The BereanWay this October

Weekly Updates

  • Tuesdays, at 7:00 pm, Discipleship Training through Acts of the Apostles. Continuing in chapter 15, Pastor Tony takes us on the journey of the Gospel spreading throughout Macedonia and the rest of the Gentile world
  • Wednesdays at 12 Noon, Noonday Bible Study and Prayer
  • Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:00 pm, Men’s and Women’s Small Group Bible Study and Prayer Virtual via ZOOM
  • 3rd and 4th Saturdays Marketplace Evangelism team 11-12:00 noon, as we take the time to reach the masses, one person at a time with the Gospel of Jesus and an invite to fellowship here at New Berean
  • Thursday, Oct, 10, 7:00 pm, Executive Staff meeting
  • Friday, Oct, 11, 9:00 am, S.A.L.T. Peanut Festival. Senior Saints traveling out for a day out to the 46th Annual Suffolk Peanut Festival. Van seating is limited
  • Thursday, October 17, 7:00 pm, Harvest Fest 2025 planning meeting via ZOOM, Sis June Jones and Dea, Lawhorn are your POC (Point of Contact) for additional information
  • Sunday, October, Church Member Quarterly Business meeting, immediately following the morning worship service.
  • Thursday, Oct 31, 6:30-8:00 pm, Hallelujah Nite and Trunk-O-Treat, Help us and join in with your vehicle trunks and evangelize all who come out

For additional information, check out the event calendar. Click the image below to or

Upcoming Events

Click here for the CDC recommendations 2024

The BereanWay – Sunday’s Coming

Sundays were made for gathering, fellowship, sharing, the preaching of God’s word, serving, being served, connecting, reconnecting and so much more in faithful obedience to our Lord (Heb. 10:24-25).

If you are in the 757 this weekend, consider joining us this Sunday:

9:30 am – Morning Prayer

10:00 am – Morning Worship and Preaching

10:15 am – Student Ministry

Join Pastor Tony for the preaching of God’s word
You’re invited for morning prayer with our Prayer Warriors every Sunday morning
School aged children are encouraged to meet with others to learn and grow in the Lord togother

Honor the Lord and celebrate his gift to the Church (Eph. 4:11-16) by holding your Pastor in high esteem

Other Upcoming Opportunities

Event Calendar

The BereanWay this Week


Here are some captured images from the Victory Celebration

Listen and watch Sunday’s message The BereanWay Sunday with guest speaker Robert Addison on our YouTube channel.

Coming Up…

Discipleship Training – The Bible states of the disciples who chose to follow and obey Jesus’ command to share his message, “departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.” Acts 5:41. Some of us may say that witnessing or doing the work of an evangelist is not their calling but it really is the calling for every one of us (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8).

You are encouraged to join in and be a part of this dynamic and exiting experience happening every Tuesday night with Pastor Tony as he teaches and provides us with the tools to educate and equip us for ministry work and evangelizing with the gospel.

Church member’s Quarterly Business Meeting Oct, 20 immediately following the service
Oct. 31, help us welcome the neighborhood to New Berean’s Hallelujah Night as we take this opportunity to “Evangelize with the Gospel“. It’s the BereanWay

The SALT ministry will be traveling to the Suffolk Peanut Festival on Oct 11, sign up and reserve your spot on the van. Sis Boon is the POC for this event.
October is “National Pastor/Clergy” Appreciation Month. Take this opportunity to share your love and appreciation to our Pastor & wife.

It’s BereanWay at New Berean Baptist Church

The BereanWay

Sunday’s Coming

… New Berean encourages you as believers to live faith and adventure with God through the assembly with other believers. God’s desire is that we constantly, consistently and frequently meet, fellowship, commune and worship (Acts 4:32-34). Consider connecting up with other believers of like-faith this Sunday.

The BereanWay This Week

35th Victory Celebration, Family & Friends Day

Happy 35th Anniversary New Berean. Sunday is our Victory Celebration Family & Friends Day. Join us, invite a friend.

Check out the latest Sunday sermons from Pastor Tony on our YouTube channel.

The Trouble with the Tongue

Fall Prevention Event

Come out and bring a senior to our “Fall Prevention” talk as sponsor by the Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) along with the Senior Adults Living Triumphantly (S.A.L.T.), Items of discussion include exercises, medicines, preventions, medical conditions and symptoms and more.

Coming Next Month

Join in with the Berean Student ministry Oct. 1st for the annual National Night Out. NNO is an opportunity in Portsmouth for the Community to connect with the local law enforcement force, connecting and establishing partnership. Keeping in context with I Timothy 2:1-6, let us join and welcome all who come

The SALT, ministry is adventuring with God to the 46th Annual Suffolk Peanut Fest, October 11th. Seniors, they will be leaving out at 9:00 am for a day at the fest. Seating on the van is limited, so contact Sis Boone soon.

Church Member Quarterly Business Meeting, Oct 20th, immediately following the morning service