Sunday’s coming and we’re expecting a great time in fellowship, worship and in the preaching of God’s word. The writer of Psalms 122:1, stated he was glad when they said, let us go into the house of the Lord. Sundays are a great time to reflect, edify, encourage and exhort one another as we see the Day of the Lord approaching (Heb. 10:24-25). Let’s invite and bring a friend. See you in the morning.
Guest Connect
To our guests, family and friends clink on the Guest Connect link for additional information to help plan your visit
with you and your family tomorrow. God wants us to live in fellowship with those of like-faith and obedience to edify, build up and encourage one another daily (Heb. 10:24-25, Heb. 13:17 & Acts 4:32-37). It is a blessing to Adventure with God and to do so with the people of God. See you Sunday.
Visitor Guest Connect
Pass this Guest Connect QR code to your family and friends and find out what they can expect before they visit us.
Welcoming all who come, It’s the BereanWay
Coming up soon at New Berean (click on the image) for additional information
Pastor Tony encourages you to join him this week as he continues his Discipleship Training series through the Acts of the Apostles and the army church. As we “Adventure with God” through this study, we will see how the early church was established, was developed and dispersed with the instructions and presence of God.
Health Awareness Month
Health Education Ministry of New Berean Baptist Church
September is Health Awareness Month and the H.E.M. (Health Education Ministry) reminds us all to read the information and be aware of the things we can and should do to keep our body in tip-top shape to do and be about our Father’s business. (Click on the image for more information)
Opportunities of Fellowship and Growth
Every Wednesday, we invite you to join us for our Noonday Prayer and Bible Study (in-person) and our Men’s and Women’s virtual small group study session via ZOOM.
Missionary Bernard Sylvien shares “The Proper Attitude for Sharing the Gospel”. Click here and check out this and other messages on our YouTube page
The BereanWay on YouTube
Pastor Tony & Missionary Bernard from Curacao
Consider joining us this week for an experience of fellowship, sharing and service
Our 35th Victory Celebration Anniversary this year will be September 29th with a Family & Friends Day Service and Cookout. Our Lord has blessed us to allow us to serve Him, his people and our community since 1989. You are invited to invited to join us on this special occasion.
Join us every Wednesday at Noon for a time of prayer, encouragement and study in word of God
The H.E.M. (Health Education Ministry) along with S.A.L.T (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) is hosting a “Fall Prevention” event for anyone concerned about falls for them and their older family members. Check out our Event Calendar, or contact Sis Nicole Donaldson for additional information
Our Discipleship Training
Join Pastor Tony as he shares with us the exciting and adventurous experiences of the disciples and early church who laid down the blueprint on how we ought to be sharing the gospel with the world we live. See you at our next in-person this Tuesday evening.
Our Wednesday virtual Mid-Week Small Group sessions are for men and women to be challenged, encouraged and spiritually feed with the teaching of the precious word of God
Virtual Bible Study via ZOOM every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Click here to see our Event Calendar
Check out our Event Calendar for other important and exciting events and opportunities of fellowship and growth
Even as we were preparing to receive our new pastor, the Lord was preparing his heart to lead and direct the people of New Berean. Pastor “Tony” was given “The BereanWay” as the vision even before he was selected to serve here
The BereanWay – God’s Vision for New Berean
B – Believe God for the Impossible – The Lord simply asks, commands and demands his followers and disciples to trust and believe Him (Heb. 11:6). In the Acts of the Apostles (3:1-10), God used Peter to help a man, lame from birth experience the awesome power of believing in an awesome God.
E – Educate – Peter wrote in his first epistle to a group of Elders to “feed the flock of God“. One of the more critical elements of the work of the local church, through his appointed Pastors and Elders is to educate and equip the saints of God for the work of God. In his commission, documented in Matthew 28:20, Jesus told the disciples to teach others the things which he commanded. New Berean’s goal is to obey Christ’s command, to educate and equip others.
R –Reach Up and Reach Out – In his natural role as teacher of “rabbi” Jesus teaches his disciples to pray (Luke 11:1). The is no greater element of biblical ministry than prayer. Jesus disciples asked and he showed them not only how to access God’s divine resource for ministry. Before we move forward or reach out to serve, we must be in tune with his specific will, plan or direction.
E –Reach Up and Reach Out – In his natural role as teacher of “rabbi” Jesus teaches his disciples to pray. The is no greater element of biblical ministry than prayer. Jesus disciples asked and he showed them not only how to access God’s divine resource for ministry. Before we move forward or reach out to serve, we must be in tune with his specific will, plan or direction.
A – Adore God – in the Greek is simply to worship. Throughout the scriptures, God’s people are commanded to worship the Lord. Worship begins with accessing the object or subject to be worship. For the believer, God is the Creator (Genesis 1, Isaiah 40:28), He is the Word who was manifested in the flesh (John 1:1-5, 10-14) and has become our redeemer (Isaiah 78:35, Heb. 2:10) which is why Job was able to adore the lord by saying “For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth”Job 19:25. When we take in the divine attributes of our loving God, we too can adore him from the heart and live our live to his glory.
N – Nobly Search and Study the Scriptures – The Bible describes the people of God as a “royal priesthood, an holy nation” (1 Pet. 2:9). As the people we are, we search the scriptures, study the scriptures, read the scriptures and meditate on his word that we may know the mind of God. It is our daily intake and knowledge of God’s word that we are able to do his will to his pleasure and glory (II Tim. 2:15, Acts 17:11, Deut. 6:7, 11:19)
W – Welcome All Who Come – The concept of welcoming all who come is rooted in the God’s acceptance of us, just as we are. Jesus commanded his disciples to reap a harvest of people who needed to be saved regardless of their status in this world (Matt. 9, Acts 3:6,). God accepted us just as we are and gave us access to his holiness and expects us to receive any and all who will come to him. He wants us to receive people as they are by the same grace we received (Eph. 2:10), love them and care for them.
A – Adventure with God – Because God is the exciting God he is, he expects to follow him by faith and experience the same divine wonders as those who followed him before. Hebrews 11, is a classic example of people who followed the Lord God by faith. The disciples followed the Lord and turned the world upside down (Acts 1:8) and we are all gracious recipients of their faithful obedience.
Y –Youth Focused – Realizing our obligation to evangelize the world for the cause of Christ, we must be aware of the value and benefits of investing and imparting the truths of our God to our children. God commanded the people of Israel to be diligent in teaching their children all they is to know about him so they would be able to teach their children and their children (Deut. 11). As we seek to honor the Lord and his word, The BereanWay is our guide to impart the everything we know and have experienced about the Lord (Matt. 28:20)
The BereanWay is God’s Vision for the New Berean ministry under the leadership and oversight of Pastor Antonio Harris
This Sunday, join us and help us welcome Pastor Bernard Sylvien, Missionary to Curacao in the Caribbeans.
Pastor Bernard Sylvien – Missionary to Curacao
Students, join other youths of your same age group for a time to be taught the teachings of Christ and lay in your hearts a firm foundation in a fun, challenging and exciting environment. Our Berean Student’s ministry is Christ-centered and practically addressed to help with the challenges you experience everyday. Begins at 10:00 am
Be Aware and Care – It’s Health Awareness Month
September is Health Awareness Month and our Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) encourages us to take in consideration the wellness of our bodies. Check out some of the provided pages that can help you or someone you love:
The BereanWay Sunday at New Berean Baptist Church is on YouTube
Watch or listen to Pastor Tony’s The BereanWay Sunday, a collection of various messages from the pulpit preaching ministry of New Berean Baptist Church. Including our most recent message, be encouraged, comforted and challenged by his preaching and teaching ministry.
Check out this ministry tool to follow and share with others.
The Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) of NBBCMINISTRY
Guests, Family and friends are asked to remember to sign up for the “Fall Prevention” event scheduled for later this month. This is a great opportunity to get some FREE valuable information and tools if you or someone you know are at a fall risk.
Victory Celebration 35 Family & Friends
Giving honor the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who saved, keeps us and give us the victory (I Cor. 15:57). Volunteers for the cookout after the are needed to help are needed
If you have a testimony of the ministry of New Berean in your life, contact Bruh Steve.
Pastor McFarland Anniversary at Calvary
Sunday Sept 22nd, join Pastor Tony and the New Berean Baptist Church family as we celebrate and honor the Lord for the under-shepherd, Pastor Mac (Allan R. MacFarland) for 42 years of faithful service. The service will begin at 2:00 pm and Calvary will be serving a light lunch just prior to.
We are looking for a blessed time of honor, respect and encouragement to God’s appointed for the past 42 years.
Happy 42nd Anniversary Pastor Mac & Sis Doris
The BereanWay This Week
Join us as we grow and “Adventure with God” at one of these great opportunities of fellowship, service and the teaching of God’s word.
Check out our Event Calendar for additional opportunities
New Berean will be celebrating our 35th Victory Celebration on September 29th with a Family & Friends Day Service and Cook Out. Invite your family and friends for a time celebration of the great things God has done over the last 35 years through this ministry.
Listen to The BereanWay Sunday, our audio and video archive of selected messages from the pulpit preaching ministry of Pastor Tony Harris and New Berean. Click on the image and be encouraged and share with a friend
To our guests and friends, connect with us
What does it look like?
How should it look?
Team Berea, we’re about to begin a campaign to “Redesign the Sign“. It has come now time to change the marquee at the entrance of our campus and we are looking for your creative juices start flowing and combine them to make our sign both welcoming, impacting and relevant withe The BereanWay. Stay tuned for more to come
Paul’s letter to Titus (2:1-5) speaks to the assignment and role elders have in household of faith. To be an example to the younger believers, train the in the ways of Christ towards the elders and others. Today our S.A.L.T ministry took a great step of faith follow in faithful obedience to the Lord’s assignment and in “The BereanWay to Evangelize & Equip the Saints, Adore God, Adventure with God, Reach Up & Reach Out and Focus on our Youth. Here is a galley of images shared from our initial Senior Extravaganza.