We invite you, our guest and friends to consider joining us this Sunday for a special time of fellowship, blessing, songs and the preached word of God from Pastor Tony. Sundays are our time to obey God’s word (Heb. 10:24-25) of gathering to encourage and edify one another as we see the day of the Lord approaching. Times are tight, times are challenging and we need to know what the Lord wants of his disciples.
The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist Church welcomes and invites you and your family to join us this Sunday for a moment of obedience, fellowship, the preaching of God’s word, singing sharing and serving. Join Us
Marketplace Evangelism is Evangelizing in the Marketplace – It’s The BereanWay
Whether you’re a guest or a member, consider “Adventuring with God”, “Believing God for the Impossible”, being Educated and Equipped for the Work of the Ministry” as we “Reach Up to Reach Out”. We, here at New Berean are about The BereanWay
Marketplace Evangelism is us sharing Christ when we are out and about. The believers of the early Church were in the mode of sharing Christ to the lost wherever they were, in the streets, the marketplace, fields and the word of God increased (Acts 6:7, Acts 16:5). Nothing has changed for believers today and nothing has changed for God. The message of the cross is still foolishness to those who believe not, but to us, i,
Join us and invite someone to our Sunday Morning Service which begins at 10:00 am. Each time we share Christ, each time we share our faith and The BereanWay, we are to place a ball in the jar. Fill the Jar.
The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist Church is hosting its Annual Free Community Giveaway. Members and friends alike are asked to bring, give and donate. These items will be given away to visitors and guests.
Join in with ministry of New Berean as we participate in the AnnualNational Night Out, downtown Portsmouth. We will be joining other agencies, ministries and local vendors as a show of partnering with the Portsmouth Police Department in an effort to strengthen our community for the good of all. I Timothy 2:1-6 reminds us to support those who are authority that we may live a peaceable life in all godliness. National Night Out is our way of partnering with the community we serve and worship in through a visible presence. So, come on out and help us tell the crowd who New Berean Baptist Church is and what we offer them. This is our opportunity to share The BereanWay by evangelizing with the gospel of Christ.
Senior Ministry Kickoff – August – August 23rd
If you are 55 and older, you are invited to join with other seniors for time of fellowship, fun and food. We are looking forward to encouraging our seniors and celebrating the opportunity to be used (I Tim. 5). If you know any other seniors who would be blessed or would like to be a blessing, bring the out.
Revival Service – August 21st
Pastor Kenneth Ricks and the Macedonia Baptist Church invites the New Berean family ministry to share in a time of revival and renewal.
Calendar Search
Find out, connect and stay up to date with event and ministry opportunities to grow, share and serve as we “Adventure with God”
The “E” in The BereanWay of New Berean Baptist reminds us of our need to educate and be equipped with the “sword of the Spirit”, the word of God. Jesus stated that, “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Matt. 4:4. God places a balance on the importance of keeping our bodies in tune, both physically and spiritually. We will be kept in perfect peace, when our minds are kept on our Lord (Isa 26:3)
Connect with one of our opportunities of fellowship and biblical training
Students Ministry meeting to build a firm foundation for youth to help the walk in them ways of Lord as did Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. And just as the Lord prospered, protected and provided them in the Babylonian world, our youth can prosper in today’s world. Meeting on Sundays at 10:00 am
Virtual small group prayer and bible study for our women, Wednesdays on ZOOM at 7:00 pm 833 2827 7545, 895199
In-Person Bible Study and prayer here on campus Wednesdays at 12 Noon
Men, meet and fellowship in prayer and bible study on ZOOM every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Join our in-person Discipleship training class with Pastor Tony, beginning every Tuesday at 7:00 pm beginning in August through the Acts of the Apostles
Join us as we adventure with God through the fantastic and exciting acts of the Lord through his Apostles
Building in the heritage and legacy of God’s heroes of old, like Sarah, Abraham, Noah, Jacob and Enoch we are educating and equipping potential heroes who will live lives of faith in Christ.
“Our God is so mighty, there’s nothing our God cannot do”
All images are strictly for the use and purpose of New Berean Baptist Church
Join the family of New Berean and Senior Pastor Antonio “Tony” Harris, in worship, fellowship and the preaching of God’s word this Sunday
The BereanWay and Pastor Tony on YouTube
Sundays were made for fellowship, worship, singing songs of praise and hearing the word of God preached. Here at The BereanWay of New Berean, we are excited at this special opportunity to be in obedience to the scriptures to collectively gather, encourage, be encouraged and be ready to serve each other for God’s glory (Acts 4:32-35, Heb. 10:24-25).
As we face our daily challenges, it’s a blessing to know we have a family of like-minded people who we can look to for support and the Lord our God has given us that in the local church. So, don’t neglect the blessing of being in fellowship.
If you are in the 757-area code of Virginia looking for a local assembly committed to the commission of Christ, give New Berean a consideration and be our special guest this Sunday.
Welcome new members to the New Berean Family (click here)
Click here for information on New Berean to plan your visit as our Special Guest
Our Berean Student Youth ministry is prepped and ready to minister to your children the things of God
Meet and greet the newest members of The New Berean Baptist Church family
Welcoming Sisters Cynthia James, Mary Hull, Robin Miller and Landrum Miller.
Deacon Jackson and Cynthia James
Mary Hull, Robin & Landrum Miller
On four separate occasions, the Lord is recorded as adding to his church (Acts 2:41, 2:47,5:14 & 11:24) as he saw fit. It is his will to add to his church. If he chooses to add members as he sees fit, then it is the church’s responsibility to receive them, nurture them, care for and feed them. To give them love, friendship, fellowship, a place to grow, mature and serve.
Join in with The BereanWay this summer as we “Adventure with God”. God has given us some things to employ in the ministry that will help us grow together and in Him.
VBS Saturday July 27, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Ages nursery to adults are invited
Vacation Bible School2024 focuses this year on the “superpower” we all as believers have in the person of the Holy Spirit of God. If you were a Superhero, what would be your “superpower”? The ability to fly, see through walls, superhuman strength? But you’re not a Superhero, you’re a Christian. What sets you apart from other people? Your faith in Christ is what you have been endowed with. God has given you his faith to believe and achieve. It is the gift of God (Eph 2:8-9) God’s “Superheros” we are and, in this year’s VBS we will adventure the wonders of God through faith. Pass-on this Invitation Card to a family member, friend or anyone
Community Give-Away August 10th
Giving that others may have is “The BereanWay” Acts 4:32 remind us of the importance of making ourselves available for the service of God. Begin looking around your hose for furniture, small appliances and other things (in useable condition) that can bless others.
Items of Donation
Household Items/Toiletries – soap, toothpaste, lotion, toilet paper, paper towels, dish washing liquid, laundry detergent, etc.
Small appliances
Garden tools (good condition)
Furniture (good condition)
Toys (clean, gently used)
Shoes and sneakers (good condition)
Custom jewelry/scarves
School supplies/back packs (all ages)
1st & 2nd Tuesday of every month
Pastor Tony is taking us through the Acts of the Apostles and the establishment of the early church through the evangelistic efforts of the disciples of the Lord
Marketplace Evangelism is how the early church as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles was established and exploded as it did. Everywhere there was a crowd, there were the follows of “the way” sharing, telling and inviting people to Christ. Even though we are venturing out every 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month, marketplace evangelism can and should take place whenever we as disciples of Christ are out the crowd of people who need to know him as their Savior. Join us as we “Reach Up to reach Out“, Its The BereanWay.
Community Support and Resources
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia is offering their Seniors Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program, Click on the image for additional information and resources we as seniors can take advantage of.
One of our most challenging issues of our communities is that of our loved ones battling with dementia and Alzheimers and their support team. The Home Instead network is committed to helping seniors and their families cope with the challenges of Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, and to helping seniors remain in the comfort of their own homes. Explore the opportunities available and share them with other who too can benefit.
Clean Up Before the Clean Out
As we move to make more room within the building for training and teaching classes, we are in need of ridding ourselves of some unused things like these chairs. If you would like some of these chairs for your own, contact one of the Trustees to pick them up. We have about 30 chairs and they will be given out first come first serve.
“And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
has declared the role and office of the overseer, bishop and pastor to be divinely ordained by him. We are strongly urged to esteem our local assembly leaders “very highly” for their work’s sake.
Seeing the Pastor in the manner that God does is important to our spiritual maturity and to the overall work of the local New Testament church. God has called these leaders out to oversee, lead, feed, disciple, teach, care for, comfort, love walk along side with and shepherd his people that they may be free to be about the Father’s business.
During the next seven days, let join together and encourage one another to esteem the under-shepherd of God here at our local assembly in prayer..
Day 1 – Jeremiah 3:15 “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Father, thank you for the pastor, the shepherd you’ve given us to feed us, guide and care for us. Give him the wisdom, energy and strength to do as you have called him.
Day 2 – Hebrews 13:17 “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.” Father, remind us of our responsibility to subject ourselves to your authority by subjecting ourselves to his pastoral authority. You have assigned and called him for this work and we have been called and assigned to obey them.
Day 3 – Ephesians 4:11-12 “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ”. Father, thank you for the gifts that you have us, your body, your church. He is given to us to help mature and grow us up in you by teaching and equipping us as you desire.
Day 4 – Acts 20:24b “…so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” How would you like for us to finish our own course, Lord? Help us to serve our calling in obedience to your will. As you had assigned Paul, you have assigned our Pastor and you have assigned us. Our calling and election is made sure (2 Peter 2:10) when we are deliberately and willfully all about our Father’s business.
Day 5 – I Timothy 3:4-5 “one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?) If a pastor cannot properly handle the affairs of his own house, he does not qualify to lead God’s people. Father, lead us to be a blessing to the Pastor of our local assembly and his wife and his family. Let us see them as his priority and move towards allowing him time with them by being in our individual places and roles of ministry and be found faithful. May we help by protecting and defending him and family against those busybodies, backbiters and lovers of evil communication by rebuking them showing the dangers of wrongfully accusing “God’s anointed” (Heb. 13:17b).
Day 6 – I Peter 5:2“Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind”. Father, thank you for the word that you have given him to give to your people. Thanks for the clear teaching and understanding we have received from his hours of labor in the word. Thank you, Father, for feeding us through your servant who has been faithful, diligent and studious in knowing your word.
Day 7 –I Timothy 3:1 “This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a bishop, he desires a good work“. Serving the Lord is a good work. Being about our Father’s business is a good work. Father, may we never forget or to remind our Pastor of the “good work” of caring for the flock. May we always seek to please you in our personal lives, finding excellent fellowship with our church family (Ps. 16:3, Ps. 84:10) and supporting the work of our Pastor.
Follow up your time in prayer with a time of service using the gifts and talents disbursed among you as the Lord has given. As the theme of “Team Berea” speaks, we are all endowed with individual gifts suited and fitted for our individual roles to fit within the body of Christ. May we find ourselves faithful, accountable and teachable (F-A-T).
Looking for a bible study group that will help you understand the scriptures, help you grow in your faith and help you know what God is saying to you? Want to be encouraged, challenged and comforted in a small, in-person group? Then consider our Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study and Prayer group.
Login: 833 2827 7545, 895199
In addition to our in-person Bible Study and Prayer group during the day, we offer a virtual version for men and for women to minister to these two. Both sessions are help virtually via ZOOM, starting at 7:00 pm
Login: 875 7229 6913, 1711
“The BereanWay” is the vision of New Berean Baptist Church as a means to faithfully carry out The Commission of Christ as given to his faithful disciples in Matthew’s gospel (28:18-20). The BereanWay was conceived in the heart of Pastor Antonio Harris to promulgate God’s command to his disciples in Matthew’s gospel
Our Faith-n-Fitness team invites you to join with us in fellowship, exercise and a opportunity to share Christ with our neighbors, we have some fun too.
We are looking forward to fellowshipping with you in obedience to the scriptures (Heb. 10:24-25). Sundays are an opportunity to share with one another the experience we have in walking with God in Christ Jesus, pray for and with one another and be encouraged & challenged by the preached word of God by our beloved Pastor Tony.
Consider joining us this Sunday and plan your first visit Guest Connect
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