
Sunday’s Coming and You’re Invited

NEW! The BereanWay Weekly – welcome to The BereanWay Weekly, a weekly devotional to encourage your heart. As we travel and navigate life, we will experience things that will challenge us. But the Lord has chosen Pastor Tony to be the shepherd “according to His heart” to lead, guide, care for and feed the people of God. Be encouraged this week as Pastor Tony shares with us, The BereanWay.

The BereanWay Weekly

See the Special Interest Information Below

Things you could consider this weekend…

Join us and invite someone to our Sunday service
Let’s fill the jar with people we’ve invited or witnessed to

Sunday is a time of corporate fellowship, service and sharing with the people of God in the great things God is doing. We are looking for and expecting a great time of spiritual encouragement and edification though the preached word of God, harmonic songs sung to his praises and the fellowship of the Saints. God has great plans for us as individuals as well as a collective body of believers this year and we’re extending an invitation to you and your family to “Adventure with God“, “Believe Him for the Impossible“, “Welcome All Who Come“, be “Equipped with the Gospel“. It’s the BereanWay at New Berean!

Check out our Upcoming Events
Scan the QR code to plan your visit to New Berean

Join us Saturday at the Church for our Saturday Walk/Ride “Faith-n-Fitness Ministry”. We are “Believing God for the Impossible, Adventuring with the Lord and Evangelizing with the Gospel, It’s The BEREANWAY!

Consider bringing or inviting your neighborhood youth to our Sunday morning worship and teaching experience. As we build an exciting time of spiritual renewal for our youth, let us help by providing them a place to grow them so they can remember the Lord in the days of their youth.

Consider reviewing the Sunday Devotional, “Renew Your Mind”

Read and Study our Weekly Lesson

Masks are optional but are encouraged for all in-person gatherings and events for the safety of our visitors and guests. (referenced VHD Guidelines).

Click here to check the local weather before you come

Members, friends and guests, as a reminder, your financial gifts and offerings are the lifeblood which keeps our ministry functioning. As a good steward of the Lord, your gifts and offerings are an integral part of helping us share the word of God as we do with the potential to do greater things. Thank you again for your continued support of God’s work.

Adventuring – The BereanWay

Faith & Fitness , God has given us only body to serve him. Partaking in the new Faith & Fitness is one of things of change Pastor Harris spoke of in his message series, “How to Handle Change“. No matter our age, physical challenges, there are some things we can do to maintain this chosen vessel to a vessel of honor (2 Tim. 2:21). This morning’s first day bike/walk, took us on a 3.5-mile trek through the Riverfront section of Northern Suffolk. Shouts of praise to the ONE who has called us into an abundant life, the life in Christ Jesus. Join us this coming Monday April 1, at 6:00 pm for day 2.

How to Handle Change

It has been said that, “Change is inevitable“. Everything is our world changes, so you would think we would be used to change. But not so, especially if the change is not to our favor or not as we would have made the change.

How To Handle Change – From David’s account in Psalm 62, Pastor Tony helps know that no matter the change, we have a source to help us navigate and adjust through it. We are limited in our wisdom and understanding of why things are the way they are and why change happens. But when we see things from God’s sovereign perspective, we can be at peace, in safety and have hope.

How To Handle Change Pt 2 We should handle change prayerfully. It’s a good and spiritual thing to say we should handle change prayerfully but we, admittedly do not prayerfully handle change. In today’s, part 2 of Pastor’s Harris’ series on “How to Handle Change – Part 2”, he gives us a way that will allow us to properly and biblically handle change. Psalm 62:1-8 is our text today.

How to Handle Change Pt 3 Sometime change happens gradually and sometimes changes happens “suddenly”. In today message on How to Handle Change Pt 3, Pastor Tony takes us to the account of Jesus disciples when they were out in a boat and a tempest suddenly arose. But what happens when things happen immediately in our lives?

Listen – Pt 1
Listen – Pt 2
Listen – Pt 3

How to Handle Change on YouTube

The BereanWay Weekend Edition

The New Berean Weekend

Walking for our physical health, fellowshipping for our spiritual health and sharing Christ with neighbors for the cause of Christ (Rom. 6:4, 7:6).

Blessed are we to have and had our mothers. God’s gift to our world are those mothers who trained us the things of God, prayed for our faithfulness and spiritual growth and continue to encourage our lives by teaching us through their lives and journey with Christ. Happy Mother’s Day to you from us here at New Berean. May God’s eternal grace and love be your comfort strength and hope on this special day in which we celebrate the gift of you. “Her children shall rise up and call her blessed” Prov. 31:28a

We have some exciting and interesting events and opportunities of fellowship and service coming up this month. Click on the image to see what is available for you

Everlasting Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to You!

The love of God towards you is from eternity pass to eternity future and beyond. The Lord wants us to adore him and by knowing the depths of his love. In accepting his love by faith, we can and should live in confidence and grace. His love was extended to us when needed to be loved. His love sustains us and his love secures us throughout all eternity.

  • “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever and so with unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself. ” Jer. 31:3b CEB
  • “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.” Jhn 3:16 CEB
  • “But in all these things we win a sweeping victory through the one who loved us. I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created.” Rom. 8:37-39 CEB
  • “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore, the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” I Jhn 3:1 NKJV

God’s love for his chief created beings is different. Everything we have from the Father (joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. – Gal. 5:22-23), is a direct result of God great love, wherewith he’s extended. Jhn 3:2

Get Connected, Stay Connected

Check out our weekly and upcoming events and opportunities of fellowship, service and spiritual growth:

  • Revisit and share this week’s Sunday’s Pulpit Points features a message from Pastor Antonio B. Harris as he takes us through the blessed Psalm 23 entitled, “Walking With the Shepherd, Pt 5“. Listen again on YouTube or MP3 (downloadable file) for your convivence. Share and encourage.
  • When you’re not there, be there by staying connected with us on our website, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. Find out what happening and how you can get involved, informed and inspired.
  • Give, Donate and Support to ministry of New Berean.
  • Check out our new Sunday School lesson this month on our inspiration page link.
  • We are in the cold and flu season. Guard yourself and family. Check out the VDH guidelines and recommendations of how to minimize the risks.


Click on the image for more information

Sermon Series Library
Take Care of Yourself
You are Invited – Be Our Guests
Give, Donate, Support

The BereanWay Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events at NBBCMinistry

  • 01/27/24, 10:00 am Church Member’s Business Meeting – Members only are asked and encouraged to attend our first annual business meeting of the year.
  • 01/28/24 10:00 am Ordinance of Baptism – Believers Baptism this Sunday. Join us as we celebrate another child of God publicly professing Christ and beginning a new life. Celebration will begin shortly before the Sunday morning worship service.
  • 02/11/24 6:00 pm Super Bowl Sunday Fellowship – Join us Super Bowl Sunday wearing your team’s favorite jersey Sunday evening for a time of food, fellowship and football. Hosted by the MGM
    Men’s ministry of New Berean
  • 02/16/24 6:00 pm Family Movie Night – Join us and bring out the family and lots of friends to our Family Movie Night. The special presentation is TBA. There will be snacks, soft drinks and a friendly environment for all.
  • 02/18/24 3:00 pm (BHM) Black History Month Presentation – Black History Month is the annual celebration and recognition of the African American experience in the history of America. Join on this special afternoon as we raise the banner of God’s eternal grace over this race of people.
Click Here

Check out entire calendar of events and let’s Adventure with God Together

Seasonal Health Awareness

As we go through this season of colds, flus and other respiratory illnesses, we encourage you to review the VDH Virginia Department of Health’s tips to help guard ourselves and others around us and to minimize the spread of these illnesses.

  • Stay up to date on your vaccine and health record. Shot Records
  • If you are sick or showing signs of illnesses, stay home or avoid close contact with anyone who or use masks. These measures help reduce the risks of transmitting the viruses.
  • Wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap.
  • Cover your face and nose when you cough or sneeze. Properly dispose of any tissues used.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes and mouth. These areas increase the risk of transmitting these communicable diseases.

The Lord has given us one body to use in his service and we should diligent, faithful stewards to properly manage our health. Take care of yourself.

Strategic Teaming

The BereanWay, “Planning the work, so we can work the Plan”

Pastor Tony leading in prayer
Team Berea joining in prayer
Strategy Team attentive

Praying, Collaborating, Teaming

Team Planning
Team Collaborating
Team Thinking

Team Berea Teaming Together

Following the Blueprint of S-M-A-R-T Goals

  • S – What are the specifics of your goals or plans?
  • M – Is it measurable or can you quantify it?
  • A – Can it be achieved?
  • R – Really, Relevant to the overall work?
  • T – How much time will it take to make it all come together?

With Gratitude

Thank you New Berean Baptist Church

15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all principality and power and [i]might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”
