
This Week at New Berean

True freedom is found and experienced ONLY in Jesus Christ our Lord. Watch the full message

Consider joining and inviting a friend to our Mid-Week gatherings, both beginning at 7:00 pm on ZOOM

Zoom Login: 816 9377 3971

Zoom Login: 875 7229 6913

Ministry Volunteers

Team Berea; serving together, loving one another and sharing what we have with others for the glory of the Lord. We all have a role to serve in God’s work. There are many members of His one Body and each member is fitted and suited for a specific purpose in that body. Consider using your spiritual gift and talents dedicated to a specific ministry within your local assembly and bless the people of God in its fulness.

included Music Ministry, Pastor’s Aide, Trustees and Drama

Calendar of Events

Let’s Go! The BereanWay

Weekly Reminders

Pastor “Tony” Harris has challenged us as a body of believers at New Berean to, “Let’s Go! As God used Joshua to continue on the work started by Moses to lead Israel God has called Pastor “Tony” to lead New Berean. In order for us to cross over, we must move forward. We must move forward, in faith, in His confidence and in His authority (Joshua 1:1-11).

The Berean Way – the way of the Cross, the way of the Commission, the way of Christ

Tuesday Night Bible, in-person, 7:00 pm A Study of Paul’s letter to the Romans

“The Cost of Discipleship”
On ZOOM ID# 810 611 8415 (1120)

Pre-Father’s Day Men’s Prayer Fellowship, 9-12 am Saturday June 17

Explore our audio archive from Pastor Tony and others

Graduates, Congratulations!

Acedemic Graduates, we salute, applaud and congratulate you on this special moment and the opportunities it opens for you. Your last chapter is closing, and another is beginning. Let Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s example be yours (Daniel 1). They were offered the world’s pleasures and chose not to defile themselves and the Lord gave them favor. Find yourself clinging to the things of God in every endeavor, every direction your life takes you and on every avenue, you find yourself. God has called you to a higher calling and has plans for your life (Jer. 29:11). To God be the glory for the great things he has done in your life and will do.

From the New Berean Baptist Church Family and Ministry

How Can I Serve?

Let’s Go! – Let the Lord use you here at New Berean. Serving in the Lord’s work is the greatest opportunity to grow in our faith and help someone else grow in theirs.

If the Lord has been moving you in the direction of a certain area of ministry fill out the Volunteer Sign Up form below and let us help direct you. God has called all of us to “reach up” to Him for guidance and “reach out ” in service to the needs of others.

Click Here

Serving the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing“. Psalm 100:2

Welcome To New Berean

Pastor Elect Antonio and First Lady Samantha Harris

Join the New Berean Baptist Church ministry as we welcome to some and introduce to others the Senior Pastor Elect Antonio and First Lady Samantha Harris. Pastor Harris returns to the ministry after serving at Highland Avenue and other ministries in the Cincinnati, Ohio area for the past 23 years.

Pastor Harris returns to the ministry with great expectation and anticipation of continuing to carry out “The Commission of Christ“, through the execution of “The Berean Way”.

The morning worship service will be followed by a special reception in honor and recognition of this new day and special opportunity to glorify the Lord. By appointing an overseer to this local assembly, we will be able to further God’s agenda to be lights in this world, students of the word and evangelizing our communities for the cause of Christ.

Sunday June, 2023

9:00 am Corporate Prayer – Leaders, Members, Guests are invited

9:30 am Worship and Preaching Service

Welcome Pastor Harris

The New Berean Family welcomes Pastor Antonio and First Lady Samantha as their official first Sunday. Giving thanks to the Lord or the great things He is doing, has done and is going to do.

The Blessing of Our Mothers

Happy Mother’s Day

To all our mothers here with us and those who have gone on before, we give thanks to the Lord for the efforts and sacrifices of love they gave on our behalf (both seen and unseen. God has blessed us with you and we are forever grateful. Today, especially we honor our Mothers


The Choice of God

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We are responsible for making decisions all day every day. From getting cold coffee to having a peppermint latte to going to work (on time) or going fishing (with the crew). To be or not to be and the decisions we make go on. Even if we choose not to decide, we have decided that too.

Isarel was given an assignment to choose a new king (I Sam. 16). The people had their standards, but failed to realize, that God’s ways were not theirs. God sees things from a divine perspective and wants us to trust him and confident in his ways. God wanted them to transition from Saul into a new day, new era under the new man that he was going to select.

As we approach a new day a new era in our life and ministry, let us consider the direction God wants for us by:

Next: Trusting God’s Decision

The Call to Pastor

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The call to Pastor is the call of God to shepherd, oversee, lead, feed and disciple people to live lives to the glory and honor the Lord. He is a vessel chosen (Acts 9:15) to look out for and look over the people who make up the church of Christ and locally meet to fulfill the “The Commission” which he has ordained.

The call comes from God’s heart to fulfill his plan. His plan involves providing a person with his mindset, “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” Jer. 13:15. The word shepherd is translated from the word, rāʿâ, which means to tend, feed, teach and rule over. The divine call to pastor is to submit to the role of servant by giving of themselves for sake of the flock, God’s flock.

As we approach these historic of days at New Berean, we are encouraged to submit ourselves to God’s will and God’s word in prayer continually and showing ourselves approved by searching the scriptures daily (not weekly, monthly or conveniently), encouraging one another . when we meet and when we are away from one another until we meet again.

Next: The Choice of God