
New Berean Strategic Planning and Health Survey

Team Berea – As we move forward under our new leadership, God’s vision for New Berean is being defined, clarified and carried out, your input is important. We want to know what you feel and how we can be faithful to the Lord and more effective in ministering to you, your family and our community. Please take time and complete the survey in the link posted below. Click on the image or the bold words. We are looking forward to hearing your heart so we can apply the applicable information to this plan. Expecting you to as honest and helpful as you can, thank you for being a blessing to your ministry.

NBBCMinistry Strategic Planning and Health Survey

Thank You

From the heart of the Pastor, Sister Samantha, the rest of the Harris family and the Staff, blessings to you the New Berean. Thank you for everything, every one of you of Team Berea for blessing our new Pastor, his family, our guests and the New Berean Berean family. We believe the Lord is pleased with the completion of the installation process. God has given us a pastor after his own heart (Jer. 3:15) and we have one in “Pastor Tony”. Now we are poised and ready to begin following our Pastor’s god-ordained vision of The BereanWay. Through our faithful obedience to the Lord, his word and the leadership of his under-shepherd, we can serve and reach out to our community, City and beyond and our light will so shine that many will see our good works, our Father will be glorified.

Kaleb Richardson 757-553-7663

Hallelujah Night

Trunk-O-Treat – Why?

Our world has taken just about every aspect and element of our society and corrupted for their own purposes. For us here at New Berean, Hallelujah Night is an opportunity to provide our local community with a safe fun, family environment with an added opportunity “welcome and evangelize all who come”. We have not been called to evangelize the saved but the lost (Luke 19:10). We are taking the approach that the majority of people we come in contact with are in need of the Savior and we are taking this moment in time to share with them Christ, through fun, games and treats.

Evangelize with the Gospel

We do not “celebrate” Halloween or Hallelujah Night. We celebrate the privilege to serve the Lord by reaching up to Him for guidance, wisdom and direction to reach out to those in need. As Christ has sent us into the world on a mission, we will go.

Come on out, we’re excited

Installation Celebration

To God be the glory for the great things he has done! Click on the image to capture the moment of God’s grace and favor.

Venue: HUB757, Decor: Touch of Love, Catering: Crystal’s Catering & Sweet Treats, Photography: Kaleb Davis

Pastor Clergy Appreciation Month

The month of October is Pastor/Clergy Appreciation month, and it is our time to call out and let the people who have labored in the work of the know, their work is not in vain. Use the link (Ministry Appreciation Form) to share with us the person who has been an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord.

Mental Health Matters Workshop

Being able to give to others in the work of the Lord requires us to be a whole as we need to be. Today’s Mental Health Matters Workshop was a blessing to those in attendance by providing us tools and information to help us be the people God wants us to be and how we can be a blessing of encouragement to others.

The Gospel is God’s reset button for the world against sin, death and hell.

The BereanWay – Life on Mission

Have you ever wanted to win souls, be a missionary or just be able to share the gospel message in confidence? We all do. Pastor Tony is beginning a new training series to help us be the missionaries that God wants of us using the “Life On Mission” platform. We can discover how to share the gospel with anyone using simple tools, like 3 Circles to make the most out of every opportunity presented to us.

Download the app and get onboard with Life on Mission

God has a simple design and order in which he has laid out in his word. His design is for all creation to be a pure and perfect reflection of his glory and wisdom. But as a direct result of the sin committed by the first two humans, all mankind is now in a state of brokenness. This brokenness is expressed in the various forms of unhealthy relationships, mis use of alcohol and drugs. To redeem mankind from his final and eternal judgement God has provide the good news of his plan through the person (I Cor. 15:1-9) of his dear son, Jesus. Let’s all get educated and equipped with these tools as we enter into service ministry of the gospel of God which, by the way is the only plan to achieve God’s plan of redemption.

Pastor Tony

Join Pastor Tony on Tuesday night at 7:00 pm to gather the tools that will “Educate and Equip” us The BereanWay for ministry in God’s divine plan to reach people for the cause of Christ.

Upcoming Events

Take note of our upcoming events and opportunities of fellowship, service and bible training

September 2023

Celebrating 34 years of gospel ministry – The BereanWay – All Month

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:30 am

Sunday Morning Praise, Preaching and Fellowship 10:00 am

Because our body is the temple of Holy Spirit (I Cor. 6:19), we are encouraged to take care of these temples the best way we can. Our Missions Ministry will be hosting this special event and you’re invited. With special guest speaker Adreinne Smith, Licensed Practical Counsel

October 2023

New Berean Baptist Church Officially Announces…

We are welcoming and officially installing Pastor-elect Antonio Harris as Senior Pastor on this special day. It has been 3 years since our beloved Founder and Pastor was called home to glory. But God, in his infinite wisdom has used Pastor Cason to hold us close to our calling and kept us rooted and grounded, Now, he has appointed Pastor Harris to lead this ministry forward into a new vision, The BereanWay.

The installation service will be held Sunday Oct. 22 at 3:00 pm at New Berean Baptist Church with special guest speaker Dr. Allen R. MacFarland of Calvary Evangelical Baptist Church. The service will be followed by a celebration reception at the HUB757 (6801 Bridgeway Rd, Suffolk) for all our members and their guests.

Please sign up early to ensure your seating is secured.

There is room for service is all areas of ministry here at New Berean. Team Berea is every member of the One Body of Christ serving, sharing and loving each other as the Lord desires for the purpose of him being glorified (Acts 4:32-37). If the Lord has spoken to you about serving or sharing any capacity, let one of the Deacons or the Pastor Harris know so we as a body can be strengthened.

The BereanWay This Weekend

Highlights from the weekend – The BereanWay

  • Community Giveaway – We’d like to thank you for your prayers, encouragement and gifts giving to share with our community this weekend (The CrossWalk Youth Ministry). We met a number of new souls, led one to the Lord and welcomed all to come back. We are The BereanWay, “Believing God for the Impossible” by making ourselves available and allowing the Lord to use us to serve whoever we can and however we can.
  • Baby Dedication – we also celebrated and honored the founder and former pastor Leroy E. Ricks, Sr. with dedication of his grandson. Pastor-elect Harris perform the dedication service as attend by a host of family and friends. Pastor Harris also dedicated a marker for the time capsule, buried at the foot of the cross (The Ricks Family).

Let us continue to be about our Father’s business and make ourselves available for the work, the service and the teaching of our Lord at our Church, New Berean