
S.T.R.I.V.E. Mid-Week

There will be some challenges for all of us this week due to the incoming weather system

Click the images for your local weather preference

Please be aware and alert to the ever-changing weather conditions in our area

Weekly Opportunities of Growth

Take note of our weekly schedule which is subject to change. Stay tuned to our site, your ministry leaders and local news for updates

In-Person Training
In-Person Bible Study & Prayer
Calvary Evangelical Prayer Retreat, Hilton Garden Inn, Suffolk

NBBCMinistry Living Museum

The Drama ministry of New Berean invites you and yours to our BHM Living Museum. This year our theme is “SURVIVE – THRIVE & S.T.R.I.V.E” highlighting the how we as a people come a mighty long through the struggles by the eternal grace of God. Share in the experience with us Sunday February 23rd at 2:00 pm.

The BereanWay Sunday – Archives

If you were able to hear Pastor Tony most recent message or were not able to gather with us this past Sunday or any other, check out our YouTube page.

Capture Sunday’s message from the preaching ministry of Pastor Tony, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. View on YouTube

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025

To S.T.R.I.V.E. is to make a conscience and deliberate decision or effort to follow through with a plan. A plan is good in theory but is not complete until the effort is made. Paul, wrote to the saints in Philippi: “ I strive towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:14 to describe his mindset towards the things of the One who had saved him.

Being imprisoned was not going to be his reason for not pressing but it was going to be his reason for following Christ. He felt the new life he had in Christ was worth the effort to love others as he loved. To seek unity and to walk in holiness as Jesus did was the only life he wanted to live. We as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus have the same calling on our life and we too are to S.T.R.I.V.E. for the masteries of Christ. We are encouraged to STRIVE in unity among the brethren, walk in holiness and serve others with the passion of Christ to please our heavenly Father.

S – STRIVE in Sound Doctrine, I Timothy 1:10

T – STRIVE in Teaching and Training OthersMatthew 28:20, 2 Timothy 2:2

R – Reach Up & Reach Out, I Peter 4:10

I – Intercede for Others, James 5:16

V Value Others, I Peter 3:8

E – Evangelize with the Gospel, Matt. 28:18-19, 1 Cor. 15:1-7

Survive, Thrive & S.T.R.I.V.E.

Join us this Sunday and take a walk back in time through our Survive, Thrive & S.T.R.I.V.E. Black History Living Museum.

February 23rd, 2025, 2:00 pm

Celebrating and appreciating the people, accomplishments and efforts of those who have gone before us and laid the foundation for the future


Sunday’s Coming

at New Berean Baptist Church

Sunday Invite Card- Our Guests click here
You are invited to join the New Berean family this Sunday for a time of fellowship, sharing and the preaching of God’s word. Service begins at 10:00 am

Sunday School LIVE!

Students and adults alike are invited to join us at 9:00 am for a moment of learning and growing together in Sunday School.

Student-aged youth are encouraged to join other youths. It is a great opportunity to lay a biblically based foundation for the future.
Adventuring through the word in an interactive and exciting environment

Sunday’s BHM “Soul Food Taste Testing” Event

God has blessed our heritage and culture with an array of culinary cuisines that have fed and sustained us for decades.

We invite you to join us this Sunday for a time of fellowship and feasting as we “taste the flavors of our heritage after the morning worship service.

The BereanWay this Week

Weekly Calendar of Events

  • Tuesday 2/11 – Discipleship Training, Acts of the Apostles 7:00 pm in-person
  • Wednesday 2/12 – Noonday Prayer, 12 noon in-person
  • Wednesday 2/12 – Women’s Small Group Prayer & Bible Study, 7:00 pm Online, via ZOOM
  • Wednesday 2/12 – Men’s Small Group 1/2 Hour Power of Prayer & Bible Study, 7:00 pm Online, via ZOOM
  • Sunday 2/16 – BHM Food Taste Testing event
  • Click here for more calendar events

The HEM would like you to know and stay informed of some things that important to keep you and your families healthy and fit for the Master’s use

Since God honors marriage, join us as we celebrate some of our New Berean Married Couples
Married couples gathering
Pastor Tony & Sister Samantha
Fun, fellowship
by Adam Parker

Coming Up…

Join us and celebrate HIS-Story through our BHM Food Taste Testing event and BHM museum exhibit events

Sunday 2/16 – Taste Testing event. Taste some of the foods of our black ancestors. Scheduled for after the morning service, emphasis on taste testing, and not a full meal
Sunday 2/23 – Walk through some of the history of Black Americans as guided by the hand of God, FREE and open to the public

More Coming Up …

Sunday 2/16 – Join us this Sunday for a time of fellowship, sharing and the preaching of God’s word 10:00 am
Wednesday 2/19 – Join Pastor Tony at the Ministries Prayer Retreat of Calvary Evangelical Baptist Church 7:00 pm Hilton Garden Inn, Suffolk
Friday 2/28 – Senior Adult’s Luncheon at the Founder’s Inn

People Need the Lord – Help Someone to Christ

Click the image for a guide to help point people to the Lord

Sunday at The BereanWay

Our visitors and guests

The BereanWay Sunday is a time of fellowship, service, sharing and the preaching of God’s word by Pastor Tony. We are living in a time when we need to be encouraged and obedient in the things of God. Join us and invite a friend as we S.T.R.I.V.E. together in an exciting adventure with Christ. It’s the BEREANWAY

Sunday School LIVE! is our exciting and interactive teaching and learning opportunity. Together we explore and examine the word our God in a collective atmosphere. Join us beginning at 9:00 am

Sunday School Students LIVE! School-age students are invited to be a part of building a solid foundation in their life of eternal and life sustaining proportions. Parents and guardians, help us prepare and equip our young people with the spiritual tools and social skills they will need to grow and prosper for the Kingdom of God,

Nothing can the replace the in-person fellowship but if you cannot get to the campus, watch Pastor Tony on YouTube Sunday Live!

Team Berea, Stay Connected

S.T.R.I.V.E. in Christ in 2025. We here at New Berean are striving together in Christ to carry out his command to the world. We are here to S.T.R.I.V.E. in Sound Doctrine, S.T.R.I.V.E. by Teaching and Training with that Sound Doctrine, S.T.R.I.V.E. by Reaching Up for Divine Help and Reaching Out to Help those in Need, S.T.R.I.V.E. by Interceding on Behalf of Others, S.T.R.I.V.E., by Valuing Others and to S.T.R.I.V.E. by Evangelizing our Communities and World with the Gospel of Jesus.

Stay Connected with the various opportunities for fellowship, worship, service and sharing here at The BereanWay

The BereanWay Sunday Morning

We invite you, your friends, family and neighbors to join us for a Sunday morning experience to remember.

The BereanWay Weekly

Join Pastor Tony as he takes us through the adventurous experience of the disciples of the early church
In-person small group bible study and prayer
Small group Virtual Bible Study for Men and for Women via ZOOM

The BereanWay Adventuring with God

Celebrating God’s Married Couples
Combined Prayer Retreat
this February at Calvary Evangelical
Leadership Training coming in March
Taking the message of God’s eternal love to the people in the Marketplace. Every 3rd and 4th Saturday of each month
The Health Education Ministry (H.E.M.) is educating, training and teaching us the basic tools we need to live the abundant life in Christ
S.A.L.T. is in the ministry for Senior Adults Living Triumphantly in Christ.
Welcoming you in the house of God, for the service, worship and fellowship, Come on In!
Men of Grace Ministry, sharing and encouraging other men to be the men of God

The BereanWay Reaching Out

Check out, subscribe and share with others the dynamic and sound preaching of Pastor Tony

Experience or share the messages from the pulpit preaching of Pastor Antonio “Tony” Harris.

S.T.R.I.V.E. Towards Fellowship

Saturday is for Sharing

Sharing the good news of God’s eternal love, is our Father’s Business. Join us this Saturday as we take the Gospel to where the people are, in the Marketplace. Wherever you are, wherever you go, let a stranger know that God loves them and cares for them (The Gospel of God).

Sunday is For Fellowship and Worship

We would like to invite you to join us for a time of fellowship, worship and the preaching of God’s word this Sunday. Not only is it biblical to meet regularly, but gathering offers every believer in the Lord an opportunity to share with others our adventures in Christ. We get to evangelize with the gospel and encourage others with impossibilities that have now been made possible. Meeting on Sunday at New Berean, is The BereanWay

Join us for a time blessing and encouragement here at The BereaWay
For our Guest and Visitors, click on the QR image and plan your visit
If for some reason you are not to attend our preaching service in person, check Pastor Tony Live on our YouTube channel beginning at 10:30 am on Sunday.

For the believer, victory over anything comes only through Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus offers the abundant life to all who believe

but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ… Be steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the knowing your labor is not in vain in the Lord” I Cor. 15:58

Pastor Tony – Discipleship Training Acts 16


S.T.R.I.V.E. in Unity

S.T.R.I.V.E. in Unity, We Are Called is the message from Pastor Tony this past Sunday. God has called us as believers to a life of godliness, holiness and unity. In order to live out our calling, we must faithfully obey His word with is the truth and allow ourselves to be changed and transformed by it. It is not just for “others” to change their ways, but it is for us. We have been called with a supernatural ability (through the person of the Holy Spirit) to do a supernatural task in a natural environment

Sunday’s Coming

Be a part of the single greatest expression of love by sharing the good news of God (I Corinthians15:1-7, “The Gospel“) in the marketplace. God’s word is clear on the reality of his love for us. Not only does he love his human creation enough to allow his son, Jesus to die on our behalf, but his love sustains us in him throughout all eternity and nothing can break that bond (Rom. 8:38-39). Every 3rd and 4th Saturday, we’re looking for you to share Christ and him crucified in the marketplace or wherever you may be with the intent to plant the seed of the word of God in someone’s heart, or water that seed that someone else has already planted or be the one who God will use to bring that soul to salvation in Christ.

Help someone to know the Lord (click here)
Sunday School LIVE!
Invite someone to visit with you, with us this Sunday for Sunday School Live, Sunday School Students LIVE and Sunday Morning Fellowship and Worship
Sunday School Students LIVE!

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025

  • STRIVE Towards Christ
  • STRIVE in Unity

Weather Update

Click the image for our local weather conditions

From the Pastor’s Desk

Take a view minutes to follow along with Pastor Tony and our weekly discipleship training lessons:

Discipleship Training Lesson                                                                           1/14/2025

A New Soul Evangelized

Read Acts 16:13-15

1. The Sabbath Rest

a. There were three types of “rest” mentioned, name them? Hebrews 4:9-16 mentions which?

b. The Woman at the riverside: why were they meeting there?

c. The Synagogue: How many men were needed to start one?

d. The Riverside: How did Psalms 1:1-3 reflect Paul’s missionary team which were made up of who?

e. The Method and the Message of Paul to the woman was to?

2. Lydia – the first European Christian

            a. Tyrian Purple: How was it made

            b. What did the color purple symbolize?

            c. Who wore the color?

3. Lydia’s Testimony

a. She Believed and was Baptized, how did her testimony change her home and city.

b. Describe the person and type of woman Lydia was and came to be? Hint: verse 15  

A New Soul

S.T.R.I.V.E. in 2025 in Unity

The Lord our God challenges us, urges us, encourages us to pray to pray without ceasing, leaving nothing out about everything.

We are in a warfare in the spiritual realm that cannot be combated with physical weapons (Eph. 6:10-19).

S.T.R.I.V.E. IN 2025


STRIVE IN 2025, The BereanWay Sunday message with Pastor Tony, “Striving in Unity

See What’s Coming Up Next at New Berean


Strong Doctrine is paramount


Teach or train others to teach


Reaching out to others with compassion


Intercede on behalf of others


Value others


Evangelize with the Good News of God’s love in Jesus