More Than A Baby in Bethlehem – There are many different theories regarding what Christmas is all about. There some secular theories and some religious and then there is the biblical account of Christmas. In today’s message, Leroy Ricks refreshed our memories that Christmas was and is more than a baby in Bethlehem.
God “masterminded” a plan to redeem mankind from the penalty and judgement of sin. For as the scriptures have concluded “all have sinned” (Rom. 3:10) and because of one man (Adam), sin entered into the world. And as a result, of that one man’s sin, every human is placed under the wrath of God.
Praise & Worship – Leroy E. Ricks, Sr, sharing today’s message “Praise and Worship.” We are encouraged and reminded of God’s expectation for us regarding our praise and worship. Too many times we associate acts and location with worship. True worshipers worship Him in spirit (by the Holy Spirit) and truth (by the word of God) and not in what we do or where we’re located. In the biblical account of Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well, we are corrected.
Psalms 100 sums it up. We are to come to Lord properly:
Joyfully – vs 1, 2
Submissively – v 3
Thankfully – vs 4, 5
I Am Nothing (John the Baptist) – In today’s Pulpit Points message Dr. Ricks shared with the congregation how humility will carry us further in God’s plan than trying to draw attention to our self. In Luke’s account in chapter 3. Dr. Ricks outlined the character of one who accepted his role as less than the person of Christ.
John the Baptist was…
N-Never Intimidated By the Crowd
O-Obedient to His Purpose as the Forerunner
T-Thankful for Being “Chosen” to Prepare the Way
H-Honest About His Limitations
I-Intuned to God’s Word & Message
N-Never One to Waste His Words or People’s Time G-Gateway to the Savior
Dr. Ricks challenges us not to speak on your own good behavior, accomplishments, and favorable status for he last 6 weeks of this year. Be like John by decreasing so Christ may increase. Just simply ask the Lord to be glorified in your life.
When Jesus Meets Us In Our Darkest Hour – In our lives as Believers, there are going to be times that seem unbearable. We all have bad days and some days are worse than other days. The degree of the bad days are not always tied to our sin, something we’ve done wrong or even someone else’s sin. As in the case of today’s message in Luke 5, this leper was in an advance stage of an illness and wanted to be healed but not because of sin.
He was brought to this point that the glory of God be manifested. Dr. Ricks reminded us of the importance of going to the Healer specifically for the issues or the concerns in our life. We are never without hope, regardless of darkness we are compassed with
The Compassion of Christ Pt I, Pt II – ( Luke 1:5-25) In the account of Elizabeth, John, Gabriel and Zacharias, Dr. Lamont Ricks reminded us of the compassion of Christ which:
1- Does Not Have a Shelf Life
2- Can Out Perform Reality
3- Is A Sign of God’s Favor Towards Us
Who Do They Say You Are? – We’ve heard recorded account of the Lord and is disciples, when he asked them, “who do they say, I the son of man am?” But in today’s message, Leroy Ricks asks the question who do they say you are. Some of us have said, we don’t care what people are saying about us but on the contrary, as believers, having the mind of Christ, we should care that the comments people are saying about us ought to reflective of the Lord.
The Love of God in Action – Today Pastor Bernard Sylvien to the Caribbean island of Curacao visited today. Giving witness and testimony of God’s work in spite and light of language barriers and doctrinal error.
According to the Gospel of John we learn how great and immense the love of God is and has been demonstrated in his action. In particular, John 3:16, the love of God is the type of love is put into action knowing the need and condition of the recipient. Even though we are or were destitute and destined for a Christ-less eternity, God extended and offered his love.
3 Reasons God Purposefully Permits Pain – One of the first attributes we have of God is his compassion and love towards all. And truly He is both. But in today’s Pulpit Points message, Leroy Ricks, Sr, shares three reasons God Purposefully Permits Pain in the lives of those who believe in Him.
CELEBRATION SEPTEMBER – 30th Anniversary Package
9/29/19 – God Is…As shared with us today by Stanley Eley, Pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, our understanding of who God is in our lives is critical to the next breath we take, the next beat of our heart or step we make. Let Him be who he is.
God Loves Us, I Jhn 4:10, Jer. 31:3
God Redeemed Us, Psalm 103:4
God is Always With Us, Zep. 3:17, Matt. 28:20
God is Our Protector, Psalm 18:2
God is Faithful to Us, Num. 23:9
9/25/19 Does Your Faith Have Enduring Power? Guest Speaker Pastor Ralph Richardson
9/22/19 – To Die For, Guest Speaker Pastor Greg Norris
9/22/19 Keep On Keeping On (Part I), (Part II) –
9/15/19 Guest Speaker Pastor Robert Addison
9/8/19 – “Celebrating the Church “Heaven Bound” – Guest Speaker Pastor Edwin Goodwin9/1/19 The Church Crowd – Guest Speaker Dr. Donald HolleySalvation Found on the Road to Gaza – In today’s economy, we are provided with a wealth of information. If we do not know where to go in the Mall, we can look at anyone on the store layout maps located at selected entrances and find what we’re looking for. If we need driving directions to a destination, we can pull out our smart phone device and request those directions and we’ll have them turn-by-turn. In today’s Pulpit Points message, Youth Pastor DeWayne Cason shared with us how one can be saved, using the biblical GPS (G-od’s P-lan of S-alvation).
The context of this message is found in Acts 8, beginning at verse 26 with Peter and an Ethiopian Eunuch. Many people read and have a surface knowledge of certain bible passages but not a clear understating of what it means and what their response should be to those passages. But in our lesson Peter helps the Eunuch understands what he is reading.
My Shepherd – Personally speaking who is the Lord to you? In today’s Pulpit Points message, Leroy E. Ricks Sr, shares with the congregation how David saw his relationship with Lord as it gets as documented in Psalm 23.
The Dangers of Familiarity – Too often we we become too familiar I’m our relationship with our heaven Father. In doing so, we forget that he is not only our Father, he is God, he is the Supreme Author.
In today’s message, Dr. Rick’s shares with the attending that all of us can be lulled into a complacent mindset of who God is and our respect of who he is.
Four Instructions To Follow (To Enjoy the Help and Blessings of The Lord) – Jesus was witnessed instructing his disciples (Matt. 5:2, Mark 11:17) his Father’s word. it was intended to make clear the things they needed to know and appreciate. God’s word contains instructions and these instructions are to be followed by us who are called believers. In this week’s Pulpit Points message, Leroy Ricks shared four instructions from the writer of Psalm 111 they we can apply to enjoy and appreciate God’s help and blessings.
Spiritual Protection for Satanic Attacks – We’ve heard people say, “satan is busy”, or some variation of that saying. The reality is, that it is true. Satan’s tool of the trade is deception. Jesus said that he, “When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44b And in today’s message, Leroy Ricks shared the seriousness of knowing and understanding that when obey God through faith in his word, we are spiritually protected. Being that we are in a spiritual war, our issues are more spiritual than physical or emotional.
The Christian Earnestness – There are some things that are important and somethings are not. In today’s Pulpit Points message Leroy Ricks shared with the congregations some things God calls for us to be earnest about. The effort of our earnestness is shown up in the things we consider important.
7 Things The Believer Cannot Live Without – In our world, there are three elements (i.e. air, water and food) that must be in place and available for us to be sustained. We cannot exist without these things. In our spiritual life, we cannot maintain a healthy or sustainable life without certain things and in today’s message, Leroy Ricks, Sr shares with us 7 Things the Believer Cannot Live Without.
A Hidden Treasure and A Pure Heart – Today’s Pulpit Points message was delivered to remind us that some of the treasures of the word of God are hidden. The treasures are there but in order for us to grow into that pure heart, we are to examine, search out, investigate and find those treasures.
5 Principles of FATHERHOOD – From Deut. 6: 1-21, Dr. Lamont E. Ricks share with the attending five biblical principles everyone should adhere to and live by, but in particular men, fathers.
A Godly Man:
1) Speaks Life in his Children’s Future (v 1)
2) Warns His Children to Fear the Lord (vss 2-3)
3) Provides A Spiritual Blueprint to His Children Through Transparent & Constant Conversations (vss 4-9)
4) Reminds His Children of God’s Jealousy Should they Turn From Him (vss 10-16)
5) Reflects on God’s Mighty Hand in His Own Life (vss 18-21)
We as men are encourage that regardless of the hand we have been dealt or the circumstances we find ourselves in, God’s love, grace and hope is all sufficient to bring healing, health to our relationship and glory to himself.
The Christian’s Hope – Leroy Ricks reminded us that we as Believers, have hope.
-We Have Good Hope – 2 Thess. 2:16
-We Have a Living Hope – 1 Pet. 1:3
-We Have Purifying Hope – 1 John 3:3
-We Have a Blessed Hope – Titus 2:13
Life can be overwhelming at times and drain us of all that God has for us, but we can rejoice in the hope we now have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Prayer In The Time of Danger – (Matt. 8:24-27) The scriptures have concluded that we ought to pray without ceasing (I Thess. 5:17). God tells us not to be anxious for anything but in prayer and supplications let our requests be made known to Him (Phil 4:6)…so that we may experience the peace of God. In today’s message, God reminds us that there are some times that are more urgent, more dangerous than others and that require immediate attention from God and not a delayed response.
The disciples of Christ verbally declared there would follow Jesus wherever he would go. They followed him in a boat where he fell asleep. They said the would follow him. But when the tempest arose in the sea and troubled their comfort of being close to the Savior. When their comfort was disturbed, would they continue to trust him? Would we continue to trust our Lord when the storms of life reek havoc on us.
Prepared For Service by a Worshiping Mother – Mothers have a special place in the heart of God. They have been assigned and tasked to bear the birth, nurture and training us in the things of God. In today’s Pulpit Points message, Youth Pastor DeWayne Cason shares with a personal side and practical understanding of God’s plan for the blessed person we call “Mother“.
Heirs With the Saints and The King of Kings – In our life as Believers we will experience a number of things, events and circumstances that will challenge our faith. God wants us to know that no matter what we experience we belong to Him and he is our God. And as a direct result of that relationship we are heirs to an inheritance that the world as a whole are not:
- We Are Heirs of Righteousness (Heb. 11:7)
- We Are Heirs of the Kingdom (James 2:5)
- We Are Joint-Heirs With Christ (Romans 8:14-17)
Our Heavenly Father wants us to walk in confidence and be encouraged that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.
The Royal Law of Love – The Apostle James wrote about a royal law of love that if properly and faithfully carried out is a sure way of pleasing the Lord. Paul the Apostle, shared with the church in Corinth that it doesn’t matter how, “spiritual” we are, how knowledgeable we are or dedicated to service type ministry we are and lack love, it profits us nothing. Today, Leroy E. Ricks showed us the various areas of our life where we can and should demonstrate a love that would please our God and be a blessing to others.
The Victory in the Resurrection – In today’s Pulpit Points message, Pastor Rick’s shared with the attending Easter morning gathering why there is victory in the resurrection and that we experience that victory.
The Resurrection of Christ…
1. Affirms that Jesus is the Son of God – Rom. 1:1-4
2. Proves that Jesus’ Sacrifice for Sin Has Been Accepted and the Work of Salvation is Complete Rom. 4:24, 25 and
3. Declares that Jesus is the Judge who will one day Judge the World – Acts 17:31:32
The Resurrection affirms, proves and declares some truths about our present and future state and in knowing these truths, we can rejoice in the victory we have..
Lessons From The Valley (Part IV) – Dr. Lamont Ricks shares with the attending guests and visitors the extent to which God’s wants our devotion. From I Kings 18, the people of Israel were teetering on their walk in the Lord and God wanted to make it real clear to them that He and he alone was to get their attention.
Lessons From The Valley (Pt III) – In today’s message Dr. Ricks continues his series of Lessons from The Valley. God has shown us how He uses Elisha in the previous lessons with the widow and her son and how he provided for them. Today, we will see how God used Elisha before Obadiah, Ahab and Jezebel. (I Kings 18:1-19)
Lessons From the Valley (Pt II) – Dr. Ricks shares with us the second part of this series from the account of Elisha and a widow.
Lessons From The Valley (Pt I)- A valley is a place in person’s life that is caused by an event or group of circumstances that may or may NOT be the outcome of our decisions. It is a place of spiritual, financial, health or emotional drought. The valley is often characterized as a lonely, dark place. In addition it is a place where God is oftentimes silent and NOT moving as we would like for Him.
In today’s Pulpit Points message Dr. Lamont Ricks shared how in the valleys of our lives (which we all will experience) that we can endure and survive and thrive in these valleys through lessons He will teach us.
– Dr. L. E. Ricks
Do You Have A Joy-List – The life of the Believer is not all “pie in the sky” or skipping through the tulips as some would imply.It is a life that will challenge our inner being to the core. We will be tested, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally to no end in some cases and it is all real. But Jesus came to remind us as the example that there is more to our lives, that we should balance these lives and be refocused on all of who we are and not just part of it.
Forgiveness Is Good For The Soul – God’s desire for his children is that we live the life of Christ to bring him glory.
In today’s message, Leroy Ricks shared how important it is that we review our “to-do” list as Believers from time to time. One of the things he shared today was the need to forgive. Forgiveness brings glory to God, and health and healing to us. We are asked, we are commanded to forgive base upon the forgiveness in which we have been forgiven.

When The Wall Is Broken – As we live our lives in this world, there is going to be some brokenness. For the Believer, there is no escaping the short-comings of others, the pains and persecution associated with this life. God is most concerned with our manner of life here and now because it is all to His glory. Our heavenly crowns will be handed out base upon our service work and ministry here in time.
In today Pulpit Points message, Pastor Ricks shares how important it is to remain close in faithful obedience to the word and promises of God that we can honor him. Nehemiah 1 gives us several points to follow when the wall is broken.
Zacchaeus Seeks A Savior – Zacchaeus was a man, a human like anybody else. We were all sinners like he was, lost and out on a limb. But Jesus knew our sin condition and came to seek and to save the lost to bring about spiritual reconciliation in our lives. In today’s Pulpit Points message, Minister DeWayne Cason shares with us in his ignorance of his real need, he sought and found the Savior he was looking for, the One who could and bring to him salvation.
The DANGERS of Drifting Away From God – God has given us instructions on everything that pertains to life and godliness (1 Pet 1:3) and He expects us to faithfully follow in obedience. In today’s Pulpit Points message, Dr. Lamont Ricks shares with us that there are dangers associated with falling to follow the Lord’s word.

We as Believers will be challenged to compromise what we know to be true. The Lord established and has maintained his church as the vehicle by which we are to be instructed and discipled in his word. But when we chose to consider His establishment as an option, we open ourselves up to list, hear and follow others who will seek to pervert the truth of God’s word.
The BENEFITS of Fearing God – Believers are encouraged to know and understand there are benefits to fearing God. Fear God is simply have the right, reverence and perspective of the true and living God. God is sovereign and righteous and is able to do as his wisdom determines. Having an incorrect perspective, respective or fear will cause us to do things that will can cause that will not brings glory to the Lord. This type of mindset will cause us to fall into dangerous territory. On the contrary, having the right fear of God, we will experience some divine and blessed benefits.
Why Am I Under Attack – In today’s message, Dr. Lamont Ricks shares with the attending how many of under attack but we have no explainable reason why. We understand that “all that who live godly…” are guaranteed persecution but we still don’t understand why.
Dr. Ricks share three points as to why we are under attack.

Building Our Faith on A Foundation of Failure – It has been said “the only people who don’t fail are the ones who don’t do anything“. But we know that is not true for we all fail in one way or another. In the body of Christ, we are reminded through today’s message of Minister DeWayne Cason that a failure does not make us a failure. For in Christ we are more than conquers (Rom. 8:37). Using the life examples of three people (Abraham, Moses & Mark) Minister Cason details threes points:
- Faithfulness In Times of Failure Can Invite The Favor of God
- Face to Face Relationship with the Lord Will Lift Us Up From Failures
- Fellowship and Family Can Bring Encouragement In the Midst of Failure
God has determined by His will that we were designed and created to do good works and that we should live in those good works (Eph. 2:10). Be encouraged today that God is not finished with any of us and desires that we accept His truth and life life in abundance to this truth.
Lest We Forget – In today’s message Leroy Ricks, Sr. shares with the congregation that the word of God remains the same throughout time. Israel was led by Moses, God’s chosen leader and yet they struggled with trusting. God’s people had been delivered by the mighty hand of the Most High and and still questioned God’s might and authority. Today, we too struggle with some of the same issues and in turn rob ourselves of the joys and pleasures of the Lord (Ps. 16:11) According to Heb. 10:25, we are to assemble ourselves together that we may 1) hear the preached word of God, 2) encourage one another in the mission of Christ and 3) be accountable to the spiritual leaders (Heb. 13:17). In doing so, we can grow and mature just a the Lord would have us to live. But if we don’t we will deprive ourselves of the things of God. God wants us to : – Obey, Be Wise and Be the Understanding People (Deut. 4:6) – Obey and Know How Near God is To His People (Deut. 4:7-8) – Obey and The Nations Will Know (Deut. 4:9-14) When we obey the Lord, we will live a life that pleases Him and our testimony will bless those around us.
For What We Should Pray – There is a hymn entitled, “What A Friend We Have in Jesus” which tells us of the intimate relationship we have and can have in the Lord Jesus. This relationship is often hindered and distracted when we don’t communicate with Him through prayer.

In today’s Pulpit Points message, Leroy Ricks Sr, shares with us several things we ought to be praying for for and what the benefits of praying. The Lord himself even said to us, his disciples through a parable that they ought to pray and not lose heart or be faint-hearted (Luke 18:1). The reality is due to the cares and toils of life, we can be consumed and overwhelmed and lose heart. Our strength can be drawn from us to point where we become weak. Our weakness will in turn manifest itself in us not continually pray to Him.
Pray For;
– Grace, Heb. 4:14-16
– That Which Will Glorify Him. Jhn. 14:12-14
– The Sick, Jam. 5:16-17
– Wisdom, Jam. 1:5-7
– Forgiveness, I Jhn. 1:9

God is Able To Deliver – In our walk with the Lord, we are accosted by the devil, and his schemes and will be for as long as we walk. It comes with the territory of being in Christ (2 Tim. 3:12). We will experience some evil attacks to discredit our God and minimize our testimonial impact on the world. But in today’s message “God is Able to Deliver”, Leroy Ricks shared that God is Able to deliver Us from: -Evil (Eph. 6:10-13) -The Guilt and Penalty of Evil (Rom. 6:23) -The Power of Evil (Gal. 5:16-18) -The Practicing of Evil (Ps. 119:9-11)