Throughout the scriptures, God has done things that were considered humanly impossible. But just as our way or doing things is not God’s, neither is his. We as humans see things in a tunnel limited by our imagination and understanding. Jesus told his followers, “with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26. The Lord God, wants us to believe in him for the impossible, knowing this truth (Eph. 3:20), “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” And He’s not done yet, Let’s Go with the Lord!
E – Equip and Educating the Saints
When you think about assigning and dispatching troops, scouts or missionaries, you want them to as be equipped and prepared with everything they would need. God sent out his following disciples with a commission to preach Christ to the lost in the world, baptize all who would believe their gospel and then to disciple them in his teachings. His teachings were his word. Jesus told them after his resurrection that they were to testify and witness of him into the uttermost parts of the earth. Because the message of the cross is all encompassing as it is, Paul summed it up like this the church at Ephesus (3:16-17). “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The equipping of the BereanWay is in the word of God as rightly handled and shared.
R – Reaching Up and Reaching Out
Mark 6:30-44 records the Lord feeding and distributing a gift of two fish and five loaves of bread to group numbering five thousand. Jesus knew his will was to do the will of his father. He was simply about doing his Father’s business (Lk. 2:49). Jesus looked up to his heavenly Father and gave thanks for the opportunity to serve this multitude. When the Lord blessed the small gift, he multiplied it to the point that all five thousand of those in attendance were full. In the Lord’s “Great Commission“, we too, as disciples have been assigned to reach up to the Lord where all things come and serve those things which have been given. We have been called to a life of service, just as our Savior. He came to serve.
E – Evangelizing with the Gospel
The greatest need of mankind is satisfied in the finished work of Jesus Christ the Lord. He came to seek and to save the lost (spiritually lost) Lk. 19:10. The Commission of Christ is to preach the good news of God’s eternal love and the extension of his grace to bring about salvation to as many who would believe (Jhn 1:12). The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes in it (I Cor. 1:18). The BereanWay is to evangelize the world with the gospel.
A – Adore the Father
There is a special level of intimacy attached to The BereanWay. It is us adoring our Father where can approach his holy throne as the children as we are (Heb. 4:14-16), we can ask what we want and relate to him. It is us long to be close to him so he can share with us the things he wants for us. As the deer pants after the waterbrook, our heart desires Him (Ps 42:1).
N – Nobly Search and Study the Scriptures
The second element of The BereanWay is the equipping and educating the saints. God simply requires us to study the word they we may be approved as workers who will not nor can be ashamed because we correctly divide the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15). As the Berean we are modeled after, we are tasked to search the scriptures daily to validate the things we hear before we accept them (Acts 17:11).
W – Welcome all Who Come
Jesus was accused for communing, keeping company with and fellowshipping with the common and less desirable people. But they are the exact people he came to minister to. Our vision, The BereanWay is to follow the blessed example of our Lord in welcoming and accepting people where they are, with the needs just as they are. Becoming all things to all people that we might win some (I Cor. 9:22), is the BereanWay.
A – Adventure with God
Psalm 23 gives a very interesting perspective of how God wants us to adventure with Him. The God of the Bible is a wonderful God, a God of adventure. He has told us through Jabez to “expand my borders” (I Chro. 4:10). He has told us through Paul that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20). The wisdom of his creativity is displayed in the scriptures (Psalm 104). To experience God includes experience the wonders of his majesty.
Y – Youth Focused – Let Them Come
Jesus asked that the children who followed the crowd, be brought (Mrk. 10:13-16) to him. He wanted to welcome them, bless them and make them apart of the work God had given – his Father’s business. But his adult followers, his disciples rebuke those who brought in the youths. But they soon felt the displeasure of the Teacher when he told them not to forbid them but let them come. Jesus is very much interested in including the youth and we as adults should be too. Just as Moses serve in his time, his time came to an end and the work of leading the Hebrews was passed on to Joshua. Saints, our time in the Father’s business is limited, and we are responsible to share the truths taught to us with the youth for a heritage (Deut. 6:1-9) This is The BereanWay.