“The Lifelong Devotion of Daniel” from Pulpit Points by DeWayne Cason. Released: 2023. Track 1. Genre: Spoken Word.
Daniel was a well known prophet in the Bible and wise advisor to several Kings some 2500 years ago. As a royal teenager he, along with surviving prisoners and children from the families of nobility were taken captive from Jerusalem and exiled to Babylon during the first of three invasions by Nebuchadnezzar. Yet, Daniel demonstrated an enduring and strong devotion to the Lord from his youth until around the age of 90. This message highlights the lifelong devotion of Daniel, a man who purposed in his heart to follow God, no matter what.
The Message Points:
I. Daniels Devotion Was From Childhood – Daniel 1:1-7
II. Daniels Devotion Was Fixed – Daniel 1:8-20, Prov 4:23, Prov 23:7, Rom. 12:1-2
III. Daniels Devotion Was Enduring – Daniel 1:21, Ezekiel 14:12-14